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Tag - Freeze64

Freeze 64 Issue #67 Fanzine

Freeze 64 Issue #67

I’m not sure if the passage of time is accelerating or Vinny has cranked up production of Freeze 64 but either way I was happy to receive the latest edition of Freeze 64 in the post yesterday. It’s  now up to issue #67 and this edition features artwork from the brand new game ‘Good Kniight’ on the front cover.


Freeze 64 Issue #67

Issue #67 Cover featuring artwork from ‘Good Kniight’


Here’s a shot of the contents page so you can get an idea of what’s in this issue.


Freeze 64 Issue #67

Freeze64 Issue 67 Contents Page.


If you would like to find out how you can get hold of your own copy then head over to the Freeze64 website and take a look.

Finally, here’s a link to some of my previews of earlier editions of Freeze64.

Freeze 64 Issue #66 Fanzine

Issue 66 of Freeze 64 arrived in the post earlier today and features artwork (created by AI Vinny says) for the game ‘Strangeloop’ on the front cover. Why? Because this game is the main feature of this edition. Sadly no cheat card this month though.


Freeze 64 Issue #66

AI Generated ‘Strangeloop’ cover


Here’s a shot of the contents page so you can get an idea of what’s in this issue.


Freeze 64 Issue #66

Freeze64 Issue 66 Contents Page.


I’ve been getting Freeze 64 for many years now and have just extended my subscription for another year as Vinny continues to make a fantastic magazine that deserves our support. If you would like to find out how you can get hold of your own copy then head over to the Freeze64 website and take a look.

Finally, here’s a link to some of my previews of earlier editions of Freeze64.

Freeze 64 Issue #65 Fanzine

Freeze 64 Issue #65

Issue 65 of Freeze 64 arrived in the post earlier today and features the new ‘Rocky & Co’ game on the front cover. It also includes the latest cheat card; number 41.


Freeze 64 Issue #65

This edition comes with cheat cared #41 to add to your collection.


Naturally I immediately added this new card to my Pokémon Trading Card Freeze64 Cheat card album. I know they don’t fit perfectly but it does the job and keeps them in pristine condition 🙂


The new collectors card in my album.


Here’s a shot of the contents page so you can get an idea of what’s in this issue.


Freeze 64 Issue #65

Freeze64 Issue 65 Contents Page.


I’ve been getting Freeze 64 for many years now and Vinny continues to make a fantastic magazine that deserves our support. If you would like find out how you can get hold of your own copy then head over to the Freeze64 website and take a look.

Finally, here’s a link to some of my previews of earlier editions of Freeze64.

Freeze 64 Issue #64 Fanzine

Issue 64 of Freeze 64 arrived in the post yesterday after taking a little well deserved break. It features one of my favourite games from back in the Day – Falcon Patrol and includes a new cheat card; number 40.


Freeze 64 Issue #64

This edition comes with cheat cared #40 to add to your collection.


Speaking of cheat cards, I recently picked up an album to keep my cards safe. It’s probably meant for Pokémon cards so they don’t fit perfectly but it does the job and they stay put 🙂


Freeze 64 Issue #64

The new collectors card in my album.


Here’s a shot of the contents page so you can get an idea of what’s in this issue.


Freeze 64 Issue #64

Freeze64 Issue 64 Contents Page.


I’ve been getting Freeze 64 for many years now and Vinny continues to make a fantastic magazine that deserves our support. If you would like find out how you can get hold of your own copy then head over to the Freeze64 website and take a look.

Finally, here’s a link to some of my previews of earlier editions of Freeze64.

Freeze 64 Issue #63 Fanzine

Issue 63 of Freeze 64 has just arrived.


Freeze 64 Issue #62

This edition comes with cheat cared #39 to add to your collection.


Here’s a shot of the contents page so you can get an idea of what’s in this issue.


Freeze 64 Issue #62

Freeze64 Issue 63 Contents Page.


I’ve been getting Freeze 64 for many years now and Vinny continues to make a fantastic magazine that deserves our support. If you would like find out how you can get hold of your own copy then head over to the Freeze64 website and take a look.

Finally, here’s a link to some of my previews of earlier editions of Freeze64.

Freeze 64 Issue #62 Fanzine is out now

It’s been a long time since I made a post about a new edition of Freeze 64 arriving. It’s certainly not because I’ve stopped reading it, but a few years ago I made the decision to make these sort of quick news type posts on Twitter instead of on here. However since cutting all ties with that platform I still want to continue to give it a bit of publicity by mentioning it on my blog.

Issue 62 literally landed on my doormat this morning so other than a cursory flick through it I’ve not had time to actually read anything yet. I can however report that it did come with another cheat card for the collection! 🙂


Freeze 64 Issue #62

This edition comes with cheat cared #38 to add to your collection.


Here’s a shot of the contents page so you can get an idea of what’s in this issue.


Freeze 64 Issue #62

Freeze64 Issue 62 Contents Page.


I’ve been getting Freeze 64 for many years now and Vinny continues to make a fantastic magazine that deserves our support. If you would like find out how you can get hold of your own copy then head over to the Freeze64 website and take a look.

Finally, here’s a link to some of my previews of earlier editions of Freeze64.

Freeze 64 Issue #38 Fanzine is out now

Freeze 64 Issue #38

It’s always nice to be able to start the weekend with the latest edition of Freeze64. In todays case it’s issue #38 featuring the unmistakable Rambo on the front cover.


Freeze 64 Issue #38

Here’s a look at the front cover of issue 38.


Here’s a rundown of the contents of this issue taken straight from the magazines’ directory listing! As always there’s no shortage of interesting Commodore 64 articles to get stuck into.


Freeze 64 Issue #38

Freeze64 Issue 38 Contents Page.


If you fancy getting hold of your own copy of Freeze 64, Issue #38 then head over to the Freeze64 website and show your support by purchasing this issue.

Physical copies (it isn’t available digitally) are priced at £3.99 plus postage. There are also subscriptions available which offer the opportunity to save a little money.

Finally, here’s a link to my previews of several earlier editions of Freeze64. If you’re new to Freeze64 and would like to check out what you’ve been missing all this time then this is a great place to find out!

Freeze 64 Issue #37 Fanzine is out now

Freeze 64 Issue #37

Looks like the post is finally getting back to normal after all the disruption brought about by the Coronavirus pandemic. How do I know this? Because I’ve just received the latest issue of Freeze 64, Issue #37 within a week of it being posted out!


Freeze 64 Issue #37

Here’s a look at the front cover of issue 37.


Here’s a rundown of the contents of this issue taken straight from the magazines’ directory listing! As always there’s no shortage of interesting Commodore 64 articles to get stuck into.


Freeze 64 Issue #37

Freeze64 Issue 37 Contents Page.


If you fancy getting hold of your own copy of Freeze 64, Issue #37 then head over to the Freeze64 website and show your support by purchasing this issue.

Physical copies (it isn’t available digitally) are priced at £3.99 plus postage. There are also subscriptions available which offer the opportunity to save a little money.

Finally, here’s a link to my previews of several earlier editions of Freeze64. If you’re new to Freeze64 and would like to check out what you’ve been missing all this time then this is a great place to find out!

Freeze 64 Issue #36 Fanzine is out now

Freeze64 #36

I’ve finally just received the latest issue of Freeze 64, Issue #36 – hurrah! Sadly this has been another victim of the Coronavirus situation with the postal services. I remember Vinny informing subscribers that this had been posted weeks ago. Still, better late than never!


Freeze 64 #36

Freeze 64 pictured alongside the featured game on the cover. (The game is from my collection).


Here’s a rundown of the contents of this issue taken straight from the magazine. I’m looking forward to reading this over the upcoming weekend.


Here’s a quick peek at the contents of this issue – image take straight from the magzaine.


If you fancy getting hold of your own copy of Freeze 64, Issue #36 then head over to the Freeze64 website and show your support by purchasing this issue.

Here’s a link to my previews of several earlier editions of Freeze64 if you’d like to check out what you’ve been missing!

Freeze 64 Issue 34 Fanzine is out now

Freeze 64 Issue 34

The latest issue of Freeze 64, issue 34 has just been published and posted out to subscribers.

Issue #34’s featured game and interview is Manic Miner 64DX and its coder, Graham Axten. In the interview he discusses the improvements he’s made to the new DX version of the game. There’s no cheats or pokes in this issue which I initially thought was a little odd. The mystery was solved however when I actually read Vinny’s intro. In it he explains they took a back seat due to the focus on Manic Miner 64X in this issue and that they will return in issue #35.


Freeze 64 Issue 34

Freeze 64 Issue 34 comes with a ‘Doc Cosmos’ cheat card (no. 29) .


Percy is the featured game from the Mouldy Cupboard. When I saw that name I was initially surprised as I started thinking of ‘Percy the Potty Pigeon’ which I remember as being a superb little game. No, this game is all about a Penguin called Percy and is far from superb!


In another interview, Stephen Kellet dives into his coding past and reminisces about the games and systems he worked on. Most the fanzine regular sections like Zzapback!, Secret Squirrel and My C64 Heaven also make an appearance in this issue. A special mention has to go to the ‘Games we typed in’ article though. This was a real trip down memory lane for me as spending countless hours typing in listings as a kid is something I can definitely relate to!


Freeze 64 Issue 34

Quick peek at the contents of this issue.


If you fancy your own copy then head over to the Freeze64 website and show your support by purchasing this issue.

Here’s a link to my previews of several earlier editions of Freeze64 if you’d like to check out what you’ve been missing!

Freeze 64 Issue 33 Fanzine is out now

Freeze 64 Issue 33

Arriving much earlier in the week than is the norm, Freeze 64 Issue 33 glided onto my doormat today. This is the first issue of 2020 and I hope that there’s many more to come.


Freeze 64 Issue 33

Freeze 64 Issue 33 comes with a ‘Mikie’ cheat card (no. 28) .


Issue #33’s featured game and interview is Head Over Heels and its coder, Colin Porch. There’s also a bumper crop of cheats and pokes for Frostbyte, Dragonspire, Freeze64 and Crazy Blaster. Meanwhile, creeping out of the Mouldy Cupboard this time around is the shameful Night Rider Niterider from 1984.


Freeze 64 Issue 33

Freeze 64 in its native habitat…


In another interesting interview, Chris Stanley delves into the making of his recently released ‘Mancave’ game. Of course all the regular sections like Zzapback!, Secret Squirrel and My C64 Heaven make a return too. We also have the 2019 Freeze 64 Game of the Year awards to enjoy.


Quick peek at the contents of this issue.


If you fancy your own copy then head over to the Freeze64 website and show your support by purchasing this issue.


I need your clothes, your boots… and your copy of Freeze 64!  (Sorry couldn’t resist – my T800 model has finally reached a point where it’s starting to look like a Terminator and I wanted to show it off!)


Here’s a link to my previews of several earlier editions of Freeze64 if you’d like to check out what you’ve been missing!

Freeze 64 Issue 32 Fanzine is out now

Freeze 64 Issue 32

With the uncanny knack of being able to arrive in time for the weekend, Freeze 64 Issue 32 has materialised on my doormat. Sadly this is the last mag we’ll get in 2019 so we won’t get to see a special Christmas themed issue this year. Of course it will be returning in the new year though.

In the meantime subscribers have been told we can expect a special mini Christmas issue via email with some sort of surprise contained within it! Can’t wait 🙂


Freeze 64 Issue 32

Freeze 64 Issue 32 comes with a neat ‘Nodes of Yesod’ cheat card (no. 27) and a gift subscription order form.


Issue #32’s featured game and interview is CJ’s Elephant Antics and its’ developers Ashley Hogg and Jonathan Temples. There’s also some great cheats and pokes for Keystone Kapers. Crawling out of the Mouldy Cupboard in this issue is Ratsplat which dates back to 1985. Regular sections Zzapback!, Secret Squirrel and My C64 Heaven are all present and correct and this this time around there’s even a hardware review of the Tapuino Reloaded!


Freeze 64 Issue 32

Quick peek at the contents of this issue.


If you fancy your own copy then head over to the Freeze64 website and show your support by purchasing this issue.

Here’s a link to my previews of several earlier editions of Freeze64 if you’d like to check out what you’ve been missing!