Lyonsden Blog

Tag - Commodore

Checkmate Retro Monitor

A couple of years ago I backed a Kickstarter campaign for a new ‘Retro Styled Modular IPS Display for old and new systems” (from now on I’ll just refer to it as the ‘Checkmate Retro Monitor’). It was basically a brand new monitor using a modern IPS display that incorporated a ton of ‘old’ inputs for hooking up all the retro game consoles and computers we know and love.

I’ve been following the project closely over the past two years, tuning in to Steve Jones’s regular YouTube updates documenting it’s progress, revisions and refinements along the way. However the wait is finally over now and my shiny new Checkmate Retro Monitor is in my possession courtesy of DHL.


Checkmate Retro Monitor

Monitor Box


It came double-boxed which ensured it arrived in tip top condition with the inner box not suffering any damage at all


Checkmate Retro Monitor

Checkmate Retro Styled Monitor Box


The monitor itself is protected by heavy duty polystyrene, further protecting it from damage.


Checkmate Retro Monitor Manual

Colour manual tucked into packaging


A little recessed area houses the spiral bound full colour manual.


Checkmate Monitor Manual


After removing the top half of the polystyrene packaging the monitor is finally revealed. In true retro fashion, even though I ordered the white version (the alternative was black) it is actually beige. This is a good thing as I don’t own a single ‘white’ retro computer – they have all yellowed to some degree or other, even after retro-brighting.


Checkmate Retro Monitor

First glimpse of my new monitor


The packaging was hiding a few more things out of sight…


Just as well I didn’t toss the packaging straight in the bin!


…inside another box tightly wedged into a recess in the polystyrene.


Accessories box


This contained the remote control, PSU for the monitor and a couple of alternative panels for the bottom front panel of the monitor.




There were a couple of noticeable omissions here, namely a set of batteries for the remote and an IEC (kettle) cable. We (the Kickstarter backers) were told not to expect these so this came as no surprise. I’m sure most people will have these things in plentiful supply if they’re anything like me.


Back Panel

The back panel is where all the magic begins and is where you can add and remove the ‘pods’ that give the monitor its unparalleled versatility,


Checkmate Retro Monitor

Ports galore


Out of the box none of the ports are labelled – this is a little DIY job for the user!


Sticker Sheet


Tucked inside the manual is a small sheet of stickers which need to be aligned correctly and stuck to the relevant areas on the back to identify each group of connections.


Labelled ports.


I used a pair of tweezers to carefully position the stickers followed by a blast from my heat gun to ensure they were firmly attached.



All the monitors come with the bottom ‘Pod 0’ which leaves two bays to fill. I opted for (Appy’s) Retro Scaler with GBS Control and a Raspberry Pi pod. I could also have chosen a MiSTer Pod but I already own a few Raspberry Pi’s so that was the more appealing option. I do hope to pick up a MiSTer at some point in the future, funds permitting, but for now I’m looking forward to setting up either PiMiga or AmiKit on a Pi 4 housed inside my monitor!


Contents of the Raspberry Pi Pod Kit


The monitor includes a fully functioning tilt and swivel base, stereo speakers, an OLED display panel on the front, a remote control and of course more inputs around the back than you can shake a stick at.


Powering On my Checkmate Retro Monitor for the first time


Checkmate Retro Monitor

Screen with light bleed


The monitor powered on without issue and displayed a very natty ‘Checkmate’ logo. However I was a little bit disappointed to see quite a lot of backlight bleed down both sides of the screen which is definitely something I wasn’t expecting. I put up with it for a week or so before deciding to tinker with the bezel screws and managed to greatly reduce the issue thankfully.


Checkmate Retro Monitor

Screen without the light bleed issues


I basically had to slacken the side bezel screws off almost to the point were they came out completely but this did pretty much eradicate the bleed as you can see in the photo above (taken a week later after I had rearranged my desk). The bezel is a little loose both sides now but it’s not going anywhere (there’s other screws holding it in place) so it doesn’t bother me too much.


OLED Screen for the GBS Controls


Underneath the screen is a tiny little OLED panel that provides access to some of the GBS Control features/pre-sets on the Scaler via the jog dial. You can use it to check what the current settings are and also reset the scaler without having to power it off and on again. Changing pre-sets (stored custom configurations) is as simple as selecting a numbered pre-set from the menu and pressing in the jog dial.


Hooking up stuff to my new Checkmate Retro Monitor


Checkmate Retro Monitor

Amiga Workbench via HDMI


My Amiga 1200 is fitted with an Indivision AGA Mk3 board so I was able to hook this up to the Checkmate Retro Monitor directly via HDMI. After a (good) few minutes playing around with the Indivision config tool (and some pointers off a helpful soul on the discord channel) I was able to achieve a beautifully crisp, rock-steady Workbench display running at 1280×1024 resolution that filled the screen from edge to edge.


Checkmate Retro Monitor

Roguecraft running on my new Checkmate monitor


This also gave me a good excuse to boot up Roguecraft for a quick blast which displayed just fine straight out of the box. Such a great game too – I don’t need much of an excuse to fire it up!

After a few goes of Roguecraft I decided it was time to hook up a few different systems to the monitor to see how it performed with those.


Checkmate Retro Monitor

Sega Rally on Dreamcast via Composite cable


I tried my Dreamcast first and hooked it up via a Composite cable and got a really nice picture.


Checkmate Retro Monitor

Sega Rally on Dreamcast via Composite cable


Next up I hooked up my OG Xbox and had a blast of Indiana Jones and the Emperor’s Tomb. This was hooked up via an HDMI adapter cable and I had no issues with picture quality.


Checkmate Retro Monitor

Indiana Jones on Xbox via Composite to HDMI adapter


I fired up my trusty Commodore 64C next with an (admittedly cheap) composite cable and got a pretty decent looking picture. It was a little soft but perfectly useable. There were some very very faint vertical lines but I’m sure I could eradicate those if I spent some time twiddling with the pots on my LumaFix64 board.


Commodore 64 via Composite cable



I thought I’d give the Scaler inputs a test next. I hooked up my pretty ancient Matsui VCR (which used to belong to my Grandad back in the 1990’s) using a SCART cable and popped in a copy of the greatest movie of all time…


I’d buy that for a dollar!


…and then proceeded to spend the next hour and a half watching the whole movie. Picture quality was really good considering the source and sound was great too with some very meaty gunshot and explosion effects coming through the built-in speakers.


Checkmate Retro Monitor

ED209 vs Robocop


It’s probably been 20 years or longer since I’ve watched this with a PAL 5:4 aspect ratio as all my subsequent purchases have been in widescreen. To get this to display I had to select AV3 as the channel but other than that it just worked.


Dick Jones really does live up to his name…


Getting an Amiga to display an image via (RGB) SCART proved a little trickier. Initially I just couldn’t get an image at all. After going on the Discord I realised that there are basically multiple ‘hidden’ VGA channels that you can access by pressing the channel up and down buttons on the remote. After doing this a few times (pausing for a few seconds in-between) I eventually got an image to appear. Not very intuitive for sure but at least my monitor wasn’t faulty and now I know! The colours were washed out but I’m putting that down to an issue with my Amiga SCART cable as I’ve had it for donkeys years and not used it for a long time. The colours from my VCR were just fine.


Checkmate Retro Monitor

Amiga via RGB SCART (think I need a new SCART cable).


Component Video Test

Thought I’d test out the Component video input next so hooked up my PlayStation 2 slim via Component, making sure to select ‘Y Cb/Pb Cr/Pr’ for Component Video Out in the PS2’s System Configuration. Again I had to jump VGA channels blindly until I stumbled across the correct one. I also needed to spend a bit of time messing around with the settings to get a decent looking, centered image as the default one was over to the far left and was ghosting quite badly. I did get a terrific picture in the end though and made sure I saved my GBS Control settings into a special ‘PS2’ slot which I can easily select from the OLED control on the front panel in future.


GBS Control Interface

Some of my GBS Control Pre-sets – including one for my PS2


Unfortunately there are no red/white RCA stereo inputs which you would normally expect to find with component cables. Thankfully I discovered in the manual that the VGA audio input will accept audio for the component input so by using an RCA to headphone jack converter I was able to get the sound working as well.


Checkmate Retro Monitor

PS2 Config Screen


Playing Media Files via USB Ports

Not really Retro related but there’s a couple of USB ports on the back so I thought I’d give them a quick try and see what sort of media files I could access through them.


USB Media Access Screen


Turns out quite a lot! I put a bunch of music, photos and videos on a USB flash drive and popped it in one of the ports. There are two of them and you have to select the correct one from the on-screen menu via the remote.


Checkmate Retro Monitor

Audio Player


I had no problems dealing with audio files and was able to play back both high bit-rate MP3’s and FLAC files. You can have it play them sequentially, randomly, utilise playlists and access track info – it’s got quite a lot of functionality for a tacked on feature.


Image Viewer


Likewise pictures were no problem at all and the monitor helpfully displays them as a slideshow automatically complete with random transitions.


Video Player


I didn’t fare quite so well with video playback. It doesn’t like MOV files and although I had better success with MP4 files it is quite fussy about the resolution of them. I was able to play back some (very) old home movie footage in MP4 format successfully though so it’s just a matter of working out the resolutions it likes.

Other Video Devices tested with my Checkmate Retro Monitor

I didn’t bother taking pictures of all the systems I tested out but I can confirm I successfully hooked up all of the systems below without any major issues*.

  • Amiga 500 (via HDMI – Vampire V2)
  • Mega 65 (via HDMI)
  • Spectrum Next (via HDMI)
  • Evercade VS (via HDMI)
  • Analog Mega SG (via HDMI)
  • Mini Pet (via RGB)
  • Mac Mini G4 (via VGA)
  • WiiU (via HDMI).


*I did discover one thing during my testing of the above. If you have anything plugged into the VGA port in slot 0 then you won’t get an image from anything you plug into the scaler (in my case it was my Mac Mini G4). It doesn’t seem to matter if the device you have connected is powered off either. It’s not the end of the world but it is a bit annoying to have to reach around the back and keep plugging/unplugging the VGA cable. I might investigate whether a VGA switch box will solve the issue as it does reference using an ‘isolation switch’ when designing pods that require VGA in the manual to avoid issues.


Evercade VS

Evercade VS with 16:9 aspect ratio enabled in monitor settings.


Another small thing to bear in mind is that modern stuff, like my Evercade VS console for instance, are designed for Widescreen TV’s and thus produce a vertically stretched image on the Checkmate display. I found that to get the aspect ratio correct I needed to select ’16:9′ in the monitor settings but this came at the expense of chunky black bars top and bottom. This is to be expected though and if it bothers you then it’s probably best to use such systems with modern TV’s and monitors.


Final thoughts about the Checkmate Retro Monitor

This is a great monitor and I’m really glad I bought it. It works amazingly well with all my Commodore machines, especially my Amiga via HDMI. Workbench was never meant to be displayed on a 16:9 display and it’s great to be able to enjoy a lovely, crisp and vibrant image in the original aspect ratio. The quality of sound from the speakers is impressive and the huge variety of input options is a retro collectors dream come true. Seeing those unused cut-outs on the back does make me regret not purchasing the extra S-Video/RF modules though. Thankfully Steve from Checkmate has said he’ll be offering these for sale separately soon so I’ll be ordering those as soon as they’re available.

It’s not without its drawbacks though and most of those are related to the complexity of using the scaler. There’s frequently an element of ‘fiddling’ required to get something to display on the screen. Once you’ve got an image you often then need to ‘tweak’ it to get it displayed optimally. This is exacerbated by the fact there are actually two ways to adjust the image size; the panel has it’s own built-in adjustment via the VGA menu and then there’s the GBS Control which offers a myriad of customisable features on top of this. It’s quite easy to mess up when adjusting things to the point where you think the monitor is broken so it’s best to make small incremental changes rather than wading in clicking everything in sight! Thankfully you can save GBS Control settings into ‘Presets’ that you can load up in future for each device.

The issue with light bleed (even though I have now sorted it) from the bezel being too tight didn’t create an amazing first impression. The lack of RCA audio inputs for the component cable was also a bit disappointing as most consoles have these connections when you get a component cable, although once more there was a solution which involved purchasing a suitable adapter.

The instruction manual, whilst well made and very interesting, doesn’t really do a great job of actually explaining to a lay person (i.e. someone who wasn’t involved in making the monitor) how to use it. It’s more of a technical reference really. Thankfully there is an active and helpful bunch of people on the Checkmate Discord and Steve himself is quick to respond to issues by email.

This is very much an enthusiast project – a product made by a hardcore retro fan, for other hardcore retro fans. So long as you are happy to tinker, mess around with configurations, menus, twiddle knobs, experiment and learn as you go along then I’m sure you will love the Checkmate Retro Styled Monitor just as much as I do.

My MEGA65 is finally here!

MEGA65 Box

Finally, after waiting patiently for over two years for my pre-order, my MEGA65 arrived a today! I bought and paid for this way back in May of 2022 but production was delayed first by Covid and then by the resulting chip shortage that followed. The tedium of waiting has all been washed away now that I actually have it in my hands though, so in this post I will share my initial experiences with it.



Just in case you are not aware of this machine it is based on the Commodore 65, a prototype machine made by Commodore in 1990. Had things panned out differently it would have been the direct successor to the Commodore 64, offering backwards compatibility alongside a feature set not dissimilar to the Amiga. Sadly however, the C65 never went into production and not many were ever made. Consequently, examples of this mythical machine sell for silly money on eBay on the extremely rare occasions that they do pop up.

That’s where the MEGA 65 comes in. It’s been developed by the Museum of Electronic Games and Art (hence MEGA) which is a not-for -profit organisation located in Germany. It’s manufactured and distributed by Trenz Electronic, also based in Germany. It aims to be a “100% open-source implementation of the official (but never-released) Commodore 65 computer”. Basically they have produced a C65 from (mostly) modern components and thus made it affordable for hobbyist use.



Anyway that’s enough background, here’s some photos of the absolutely gorgeous packaging that has clearly been heavily inspired by the retail boxes that the C64 came in.


MEGA65 Box

MEGA65 Box


MEGA65 Box

MEGA65 Box


MEGA65 Box

MEGA65 Box

MEGA65 Box

MEGA65 Box


MEGA65 Box

MEGA65 Box


MEGA65 Box

MEGA65 Box


Inside the box there’s a lovely spiral bound manual, and a PSU (with regional plug adapters).


User Guide and PSU fitted with UK adapter


There was also a registration card (kind of). This contained a special code on it that gave me full access to the MEGA65 Filehost site and the Discord support message board. No postage stamp required!


The registration card.


Onto the main event, the glorious Mega65 itself!



A thing of beauty


The machine itself is a thing of beauty and looks like a genuine Commodore product through and through.


MEGA65 Badge

MEGA65 Badge


Only thing missing is the Commodore name but the styling cues are all there, the rainbow stripes, the silver font…



Serial Number: 1268


It even has a silver foil warranty sticker on the base of the machine. Mine is number 1268 so I know there are well over 1,200 MEGA65’s out in the wild now!


MEGA65 Keybaord

MEGA65 Keyboard with PETSCII Graphics


The keyboard itself is lovely to use – a far cry from the rather lacklustre examples found in the C64. The PETSCII symbols and font character colours are even printed onto the front of the keys as you would expect.



From left to right; on/off switch, joystick ports & reset switch.


Along the left hand side there’s the Power switch, two joystick ports and (finally) a little reset switch!



Rear ports (from left to right): Headphone jack, MicroSD slot, ethernet port, HDMI, VGA, serial port, cartridge slot & power socket

The back of the MEGA65 includes a headphone jack, MicroSD card slot, ethernet port, HDMI port, VGA port, serial port, cartridge slot and last but not least the power socket.


Quick Test


The MEGA65 didn’t come with any cables at all, but thankfully I was prepared for this and had HDMI and ethernet cables on standby, along with some MicroSD cards and batteries for the Real Time Clock (RTC).


Everything ready…


I hooked it up to my trusty ‘HD Ready’ Toshiba TV and powered it up. One day in the near future I hope to have it connected to my 19″ Checkmate monitor that I backed on Kickstarter but for now this will have to do.



The MEGA65 Onboarding Screen


After a few tense moments it booted up and presented the ‘Onboarding’ screen where I could set the date and time, video options and test the sound.


Inside the MEGA65


Satisfied that it was working I decided to turn it off, open it up and take a peak inside. I was curious to see what was inside and also wanted to fit a battery to power the RTC.


Undoing one of the case screws – trapdoor removed in the background


Just like on the C64 there’s only 3 screws to remove along the front – the back just has a row of clips holding it in place. There’s a little trapdoor on the bottom, similar to those on the Amiga. This provides access to the factory installed SD card which is handy.



First glimpse inside the MEGA65 computer


With the lid lifted up you can see the motherboard which only takes up a little over a quarter of the available space. The rest is occupied by the floppy drive, keyboard and a few cables.



The factory installed SD Card front and center


There’s quite a lot of unused sockets and pin headers – presumably for future expansions.



MEGA65 Revision 6 Board or simply ‘R6’


Mine is a Revision 6 board – the majority of the rest of the machines our in the wild are R3 although that will soon change as more of this batch is shipped out.


ALPS 1.44Mb Floppy drive


The floppy drive is an ALPS DF354H138F and these are widely available online which is good to know in case it ever needs replacing. It’s also interesting to note that this is actually a High Density 1.44Mb drive so perhaps one day we might be able to use the full capacity of HD disks with the MEGA65 with a future Core update? More likely is that this unit was simply chosen because it was more readily available than DD drives but one can hope…



Jumbo eject button


The floppy drive is recessed deep inside the MEGA65 case so needs a pretty enormous button capable of reaching the eject mechanism.



Not sure what these two ports are for but interesting how they are placed right above the trapdoor for easy access….


Most of the sockets are named on the board which is a nice touch. However there are a number of mysterious headers and sockets which aren’t.



Port names plus JTAG pin header on the right


Something that was always lacking on the C64 was a reset button.



The reset switch


No need to resort to a DIY option with the MEGA65 though as it has one built-in.



The power switch (coloured red) and cartridge port along the back


Powering the RTC


The MEGA65 Revision 6 (which is the version I have) does actually have a supercapacitor on the board which is capable of keeping the clock powered for several weeks – once fully charged.

However fitting a CR2032 battery will ensure the date and time aren’t lost even when the MEGA65 is having an extended holiday! Given CR2032 batteries are so cheap, and access to the clock so simple, there’s really no reason not to fit one.


MEGA65 Battery

CR2032 battery installed into the holder. The blue SuperCapacitor is visible behind it


Installing the battery was just a case of sliding it into place in the holder and bob’s your uncle.


Testing the MEGA65


With the battery installed I put it all back together again and hooked all the cables back up, I ran through the setup screens, set the time/date/video and audio preferences, enabled CRT scanlines and so on.


MEGA65 Clock

A MEGA65 Clock program


I quickly loaded up one of the clock utilities to check the RTC was working correctly and then it was time to honour the age old tradition of writing a childish BASIC program on my new computer!


BASIC Program


A program most nerds (including me) used to run on every computer we came across in department stores back in the 80’s. The salesmen must have been sick to death of kids doing this all day every day – some of the messages weren’t always so polite either!


Lyonsden Blog scroller


Have to say I was blown away by the speed at which the text flew up the screen when I pressed the Return key. Too fast too read – only for the fact that the shutter speed on my camera has managed a perfect freeze-frame you wouldn’t be able to see it! This bodes well for writing some decent programs in BASIC without having to resort to using assembly or machine code!



One of the 3 included MEGA65 Demo disks


There’s stacks of demos, music, games and utilities pre-loaded onto the SD card but I’ll round this post off by showing a little clip of my favourite MEGA65 demo so far’ Bad Apple!



Right I’m off to go and play with my MEGA65 some more….

Zzap! Amiga Issue #15 is out now

Today I received the latest edition of Zzap! Amiga Issue #15 ‘Micro Action’ in the post. Here’s a little glimpse inside so you can get an idea of what to expect in this issue.


Zzap! Amiga Issue #15

Zzap! Amiga Front Cover


A Look Inside


Here’s the contents page and below it, a handful of the 60 pages within this edition.



Zzap! Amiga Issue #15

Zzap! Amiga Issue #15 Contents Page



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At £4.99 plus postage for 60 A5 pages of Amiga goodness this is, as always, another worthy addition to my retro magazine collection. Don’t forget you can get 15% off a copy of your own with code ‘LYONSDENBLOG’ at the checkout!

Head on over to Fusion Retro Books to pick up your own copy of Issue #15.

Some more Zzap! Amiga magazine previews here.

Amiga Addict 28 out now

Behold, the latest issue of Amiga Addict magazine, issue 28, arrived today. This month the cover is devoted to the awesome Scala multimedia software to complement the in-depth six page feature within the magazine itself.


Amiga Addict 28

Issue 28 cover


Below is a peek at the contents page giving an overview of what’s inside this months issue.


Amiga Addict 28

Contents page


Here’s the coverdisc page providing details about what you can expect to find on this months disk (whether that be real or virtual). This month brings a collection of 3 PD games; Baldy: The Search For Missing Disks, Mad Bomber and Zerberk.


Amiga Addict 28

Coverdisk Capers


If you are not familiar with Amiga Addict cover disks, they only provide the labels – you have to supply the floppy disk. The self-adhesive labels are always of a super-high quality in glossy full colour with a peel-off backing. When applied to a suitable floppy they really look the part and provide a good excuse to blow the cobwebs out of your Amiga’s floppy drive.


Amiga Addict 28

My Maxell CoverDIsk 🙂



The magazine consists of 60 A4 full colour pages and features loads of news, reviews, articles, tutorials and more. This issue costs £6.50 (plus P&P) and is available from the Amiga Addict website. Amazingly it is also available in some bricks and mortar newsagents such as WHSmith so you may be able to pick it up there if you’re lucky and save yourself the postage!


A Look Inside Amiga Addict Issue 28


I’ll leave you with a quick look at just few of the articles that can be found in issue 28.

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Finally, here’s a link to some of my previews of other, earlier editions of Amiga Addict magazine.

WiC64 Review


The WiC64 might possibly be one of the most interesting devices for the Commodore 64 I’ve seen in years. It’s not just the hardware (which is great) as there have been a few Wi-Fi interfaces released already for the C64 over the years, but more how the software that’s been created for it leverages the new hardware to achieve something truly special. I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that this could be the future for modern day 64 enthusiasts – I’ll explain why during the rest of this post.


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This glorious gizmo was sent to me by Tim Harris over at Shareware Plus. Inside the rather unassuming box there’s the main host board, an ESP32 module, a teeny tiny OLED display and a card with a link to a website to go to for more info.



Contents of the WiC64 package.


So, what is it and what does it do?

Basically the WiC64 is a plug-in Wi-FI accessory that connects to the user-port of the Commodore 64 providing internet access. (It also works with the SX64, C128 and VIC20 computers though I’ve not tested it with these). However unlike existing Wi-Fi adapters that utilise serial mode data transfers and are thus restricted to stuff like accessing BBS due to their slow communication speeds, this bad boy operates in parallel mode, utilising 8 data lines, 2 handshake lines and one control line. This is all handled by the ESP32 module.

Basically it’s super fast and capable of loading a typical C64 program in the blink of an eye across the Internet. Yep you read that right, with this device you will be able to download (and upload) programs and files directly over the Internet on your C64!


Putting it together

No manual is provided but then again it is 2024 so having online documentation is to be expected. Following the link on the product card takes you to the website where you can download assembly instructions, a launcher program in PRG format and some STL’s to print a nice case for it.


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Assembly was an absolute doddle and just requires you to fit the ESP32 module and screen to the host board. They both simply push into the sockets provided – all you need to be careful with is the orientation of the ESP32 module but there’s photos in the PDF manual showing which way around it needs to go.


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After putting the WiC64 together I decided to 3D print the case for it so loaded the STL’s into my slicer software to prepare them for printing. The model has been well designed so no support material is needed when you place each part flat on its largest side.


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Just over an hour later (I have a Bambu Labs P1S printer so it’s fast) the print was complete and looked fantastic.


Freshly printed case halves


The two buttons on the host board pop through matching holes on the side of the case whilst there are a couple of little push buttons incorporated into the top of the case so you can still depress the ones on the EPS32 module.


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Unfortunately I ran into my first problem here when I tried to plug the newly encased WiC64 into the user port of my C64C – it simply wouldn’t fit! This was through no fault in the design of the board or even the case but just bad luck on my part because of where I had chosen to locate the switches for my SIDFX install.


Houston, we have a problem!


The case was clearly never going to fit so I had to abandon that idea and go naked. Even without the case it was an incredibly close fit with just a couple of millimetres clearance between the board and the switches. To be honest though, apart from the obvious lack of protection, I think I prefer it without the case as it does look incredibly cool with all the LED’s glowing and the little OLED screen displaying messages and such. I’ll just need to be careful to never drop a paperclip down the back of my C64!


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Teething Problems

With the WiC64 now plugged in it was time to test it out! I downloaded the Launcher from the site (currently at version 2.5) and copied it over to my 1541 Ultimate II+ cart (via ethernet)  so that I could run it.


Ground control to Major Tom…


It popped up a message saying it was searching for Wi-Fi and a few of the lights started to flicker on the board…


Lights are on but nobody’s home…


However it never got any further than this. After about a minute of trying the launcher would simply crash leaving me with a blank screen.


This doesn’t look good!


Needless to say I tried this a few times but got the same result each time. I even tried activating the hotspot on my iPhone (with maximised compatibility) in case it didn’t like my Wi-Fi 6 router but it still failed.


Updating the Firmware

With nothing seeming to work I decided to have a go at updating the firmware as I remember seeing this mentioned on the card. The whole process is web based and conducted within the browser itself. I had to unplug the WiC64 board from my C64 and then hook it up to my Windows 11 PC using a MicroUSB cable.


WiC64 Flashing

WiC64 ready to be flashed


Needless to say I had to install a driver for it first as the UART device was showing as unrecognised in Device Manager…


How it appears in device manager


There’s step by step instructions on the ‘Online Flasher’ page and it directs you to a Silicon Labs website to download the drivers. I have Windows 11 so chose the CP210x Universal Windows Driver which worked out well. Installing the driver was just a matter of right-clicking the device and selecting ‘update driver’ and then pointing it to the folder where I’d extracted the driver previously.

Driver successfully installed


Flashing the device is actually done within the browser but it must be Chrome, Edge or Opera. I use Brave but thought I’d still be OK because it’s Chromium based but the Connect button never appeared for me until I changed over to Edge. Then I was able to select ‘CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller (COM7)’ as the serial port to begin the process. Sadly within a few seconds of starting the update it failed with an error. Although I never did find out what caused the error the solution was to hold down the ‘BOOT’ button on the ESP32 module whilst performing the update and it then worked without a hitch.

With the firmware now updated it was time to put it back in my C64 and see if I could get it to connect to my Wi-Fi.

I hooked it back up to my user-port, turned on my 64 and loaded up version 2.5 of the launcher once more.


Now we’re getting somewhere!


Much to my delight this time around it displayed (just) my 2.4Ghz SSID (I have a Tri-band router) and I was able to enter the password to connect to it just like you would expect to do with any modern day device.



BOOM! We’re in business!


After a few moments it connected and my C64’s IP address was displayed on the OLED screen, along with the SSID, signal strength and current firmware version.


WiC64 Welcome Screen

WiC64 Welcome Screen


The launcher menu screen also loaded up with new options to Login and Register. I didn’t have an account so I selected Register to create one which only took a few moments and then I was finally into the system proper.


WiC64 Menu Screen

WiC64 Menu Screen


Let the Games Begin!

There’s a lot of sub menus and interesting things tucked away into the WiC64 Launcher menus but I’m just going to pick out some of the things I found interesting – in no particular order!


Offline Games List


I’ll start with the games as there’s quite a lot of them. They’re split between Offline games (found in the File Area>Games section) Online games and online multiplayer games. The mind blowing thing about these games is that they load onto your C64 over the internet, but not only that they load in just a matter of seconds. I decided to give Shadow Switcher a quick blast as it’s a game I know and love. I selected it from the menu and BAM, a second later it had loaded and I was able to play it. Absolutely incredible.


Shadow Switcher


The Online and Multiplayer games have their own section which splits off into another 4 sections containing approximately 20 games. The ‘Online’ games are existing games that have been modified to incorporate persistent High Score tables where you can compete for bragging rights against other WiC64 players. There’s a global ‘all time greatest’ score table and also a ‘Todays Greatest’ which is a cool feature that gives everyone a shot at fame no matter their skill level as it gets wiped every 24 hours.


All-Time Greatest and Todays Greatest High Scores


I decided to have a blast at Great Giana Sisters next, which being a bigger game, took a bit longer to load, coming in at a whisker over 20 seconds.  Still mightily impressive and if you don’t own or have a copy of the game to hand the sheer convenience of this system is game-changing. Imagine having an entire catalogue of hundreds of games and being able to tap into them whenever you want and play them on your real C64 with persistent high scores stored in the cloud adding a new competitive edge to the gameplay.


Great Giana Sisters – WiC64 High Score Edition


There’s currently only 2 multiplayer games; Artillery Duel Deluxe and Multorio. Multorio appears to require the username of the person you want to play against upfront before it will do anything so as I don’t know anyone else using it I’ve not been able to try this.


Artillery Duel Deluxe


However Artillery Duel Deluxe is a lot more user friendly and will let you play against random people online, play local multiplayer or even just play solo. It even has a spectator mode called ‘Onlooker mode’ where you can watch other players duke it out! I’m not sure if this is live or more of a replay of past battles but it’s still entertaining!


Artillery Duel Deluxe


Obviously this isn’t Steam or Xbox Live so finding other users online can be tricky which is why the solo mode is much appreciated. I assume this is probably why the developers seem to be focusing on asynchronous gameplay, affording everyone the opportunity to compete against others, any time they want.


Internet Radio

WiC64 Radio is another program I found myself coming back to time and time again. It’s tucked away in the ‘Apps’ section of the ‘File Area’. Personally I would have thought the Internet section was more appropriate but it didn’t take long for me to remember where it was located.


WiC64 Radio

WiC64 Radio


I absolutely adore SID chip music and this program supplies a never-ending stream of it over the internet directly into your SID chip. The program will just keep playing an endless stream of fantastic SID tracks until you close it. If you come across one you’re not so keen on you can just tap space to skip it and move onto another,


WiC64 Radio


Not only that but you can create a custom playlist of your favourite tracks too. The screen displays lots of info about the track currently playing including the author, title, it’s release date and run time. I tend to load this up and just leave it running in the background – you can’t beat some classic SID tunes being played through real hardware.



One of the things I used to love doing in my youth was watching and listening to scene demos on both my C64 and later on my Amiga. Well the WiC64 has got me covered here too with a nifty Demo section containing 8 demo’s filled with pulsating graphics and sound for that shot of nostalgic dopamine.


“Quadrants” Demo


Most of these demo’s loaded pretty much instantaneously for instant retro gratification. The Elite Code Mechanics demo soon proved to be a particular favourite due to the amazing music which I could (and did) happily listen to for hours.


Elite Code Mechanics Demo


The still pictures obviously don’t do the demos justice but I just couldn’t get my iPhone to capture video off my 1084 monitor without it turning into a horrid flickering mess.


Crystal Gazer Demo


Ideally I’d like to see many, many more demos appear here so hopefully the developers add to this section over time, after all, most of them are probably in the public domain (unlike the games) so there shouldn’t be too many obstacles to making it happen?



WiC64 seems to be a predominantly German project right now so the Chat and Message board areas are dominated by German users which is a shame but I’m sure in time as more of us come on board this will change


Sadly most, if not all, the messages seem to be in German


However I was intrigued by the ChatGPT option at the bottom of the menu. Surely this couldn’t be THE ChatGPT that is all the rage right now?


Surely not, ChatGPT on the C64?


Chat GPT

Well yes, actually it is. Incredibly the AI revolution has made it to our trusty C64’s in 2024. You can ask it any question and get a near instant reply. It works just like it does on a modern computer, simply ask it a question and it will respond with an answer almost immediately.


ChatGPT in action on the C64


Obviously unlike, for example, Copilot in Windows 11, it is unable to create images but I wouldn’t really have expected that anyway. It also does seem to lack the continuity you get when interacting with ChatGPT on modern systems. For example if you try to tell it a Knock Knock joke it will respond with ‘who’s there’ but then thinks your answer is a new question. Likewise you can start a game of hangman but your guesses don’t seem to be recognised. It’s probably churlish of me to nit pick things like this when the fact it works at all is an astonishing achievement, but it would be the icing on the cake if they could fix this. However ask it any other straight question and you will get just as comprehensive a response as you would on a new computer which is just incredible.


Google Maps!

Yes you read that heading right, WiC64 also gives you a portal to Google Maps on your C64 and what’s more its actually useable too! This is arguably even more impressive than ChatGPT given the graphical overhead involved in drawing them.


Google Maps


You can search for a place or post code from the menu screen or just dive straight in. It seems to have a rough idea where you are already, presumably based on your external IP address, unless it was just pure coincidence that it started me off in Merseyside! Once the map is visible on the screen you are able to zoom in and out using the function keys and pan around using WASD. There’s a choice of satellite view or road map view. Each page refresh takes about 5 seconds or thereabouts to display – eminently useable and I was able to find and navigate around places I know very easily.


Google Streetview!


But there’s more! Pressing ‘V’ toggles Street View so you can look around in glorious 8-bit 3D at your street and even find your house, all on your Commodore 64. I would not have believed this possible if I’d not experienced it myself. It’s an absolutely astonishing accomplishment.



There’s plenty more programs and features to be discovered that I haven’t mentioned yet too. For instance there’s an entire sub-menu devoted to a collection of Real Time Clocks (synced to the Internet of course), ranging from a simple digital clock to some downright convoluted affairs that require some serious thought to decipher!


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C/Place Pixel Project

There’s also something called  “C/Place Pixel Project” which is an interesting little concept. It’s basically a community art project – you take it in turns with other users to place a single pixel on a 40×50 screen in order to ‘paint’ a picture. If nobody else is around you can make a picture on your own instead! It also has an option to let you watch a timelapse of pictures being created which can be quite mesmerising to watch and a really neat extra feature.


c/place Pixel Project



WiC64 Media Center

This is yet another really cool feature that lets you upload your physical disks into the cloud, either for public use or your own private use.


Uploading one of my disks to the WMC


You simply pop a disk in your drive, enter a few details to help catalogue it so you and/or others can find it in future and then hit upload. Naturally you can also download the disks too.


Downloading a disk from the WMC.


In just a couple of minutes I was able to download a game from the WMC cloud onto a floppy disk with just a few keypresses and then load it up and play it.


Playing the game I’d just downloaded.


There’s a whole repository of disks already waiting to be accessed in the cloud too. This is the sort of thing I could only dream about back when I was a teenager but it’s now a reality thanks to the WiC64.


Honourable Mentions

There’s even more stuff to play around with that I’ve not covered yet including:

  • MOSCloud Compiler (a facility to upload your BASIC programs and have them compiled in the cloud).
  • Remote Image Viewer (enter an image URL and it will render it on your C64). I didn’t have much success with this as most online images have horrendously long and complex URL’s and it’s very easy to make a mistake entering them without the option of copy’n’paste. However even when I was absolutely sure I had the URL correct I’d get a ‘failed to process image’ error. Hopefully it’s just a glitch and will be ironed out in due course.
  • CSDB Browser to keep up to date with the latest C64 releases
  • RSS Feed viewers for Forum64 and Tagesschau – sadly both in German only.
  • Telnet program – with a few provided servers to try (similar sort of experience to BBS’s) or you can try entering your own.
  • A DiskMags section – I found the intro screens and accompanying chip music a lot more entertaining than reading some of them but as always with these things YMMV.


Excess RapidNews DiskMag



I did have a few crashes and lock-ups but nothing major and considering what it’s trying (and succeeding) to do I can totally forgive a little instability. Besides, on the odd occasions it happened I just reloaded the launcher via my 1541 Ultimate-II+ cart and was immediately returned to the exact same position in the menu that I’d launched the program from. It was a minor inconvenience at most. There were also few little issues I had during setup but nothing major and they were all easily solved by a spot of RTFM. There were a couple of sections that seemed to be dominated by German speaking users but hopefully that will change as the device becomes more popular, but even if it doesn’t it only affects a tiny fraction of what’s on offer anyway.

Without a doubt this is an absolutely incredible hardware and software package that really brings the venerable C64 into the 21st Century. It offers so many new ways of accomplishing things, new ideas to try out not to mention the potential new features it may bring in the future. This is one of those devices that every C64 user owes it to themselves to get hold of. Whether you are a gamer or a tinkerer there’s something to interest everyone here and at just £35 it’s a bit of a no-brainer too. SharewarePlus has them in stock now so what are you waiting for? Go get one!

Amiga Addict 27 out now

Amiga Addict 27

Here’s the latest issue of Amiga Addict magazine, issue 27, that arrived today featuring some artwork for the Wolfchild game on the front cover. This months mag includes a six page in-depth look at the story behind the creation of this particular game,


Amiga Addict 27

Issue 27 cover


Below is a peek at the contents page giving an overview of what’s inside this months issue of Amiga Addict.


Amiga Addict 27

Contents page


The magazine consists of 60 A4 full colour pages and features loads of news, reviews, articles, tutorials and more. This issue costs £6.50 (plus P&P) and is available from the Amiga Addict website. Amazingly it is also available in some bricks and mortar newsagents such as WHSmith so you may be able to pick it up there if you’re lucky and save yourself the postage!


A Look Inside Amiga Addict Issue 27


I’ll leave you with a quick look at just few of the articles that can be found in issue 27.


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Finally, here’s a link to some of my previews of other, earlier editions of Amiga Addict magazine.

Zzap! Amiga Issue #14 is out now

Zzap! Amiga Issue #14

A few days ago the latest edition of Zzap! Amiga Issue #14 ‘Micro Action’ arrived on my doormat so lets take a quick peek inside.


Zzap! Amiga Issue #14

Zzap! Amiga Front Cover


A Look Inside


Here’s the contents page and a handful of the 60 pages within this edition.


Zzap! Amiga Issue #14

Zzap! Amiga Issue #14 Contents Page


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At £4.99 plus postage for 60 pages of Amiga goodness it’s a no-brainer for me and yet another worthy addition to my retro magazine collection. Don’t forget you can get 15% off a copy of your own with code ‘LYONSDENBLOG’ at the checkout!

Head on over to Fusion Retro Books to pick up your own copy of Issue #14.

Some more Zzap! Amiga magazine previews here.

Amiga Addict Issue 26 out now

Amiga Addict 26

Here’s the latest issue of Amiga Addict magazine, issue 26, with a cover devoted to the largest Amiga software collection in the world – Aminet.


Amiga Addict 26

Issue 26 cover


Here’s a look at the contents page giving an overview of what’s inside this months issue.


Amiga Addict 26

Contents page


The magazine consists of 60 A4 full colour pages and features loads of news, reviews, articles, tutorials and more. This issue costs £6.50 (plus P&P) and is available from the Amiga Addict website. Amazingly it is also available in some bricks and mortar newsagents such as WHSmith so you may be able to pick it up there if you’re lucky and save yourself the postage!



A Look Inside Amiga Addict Issue 26


I’ll leave you with a quick look at just few of the articles that can be found in issue 26.


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Finally, here’s a link to some of my previews of earlier editions of Amiga Addict.

Zzap! Amiga Issue #13 is out now

Zzap! Amiga Issue #13

My copy of Zzap! Amiga Issue #13 arrived in the post this morning.


Zzap! Amiga Issue #13

Zzap! Amiga Front Cover


A Look Inside


Here’s a quick peek at the contents page and a handful of the 60 pages within this edition.


Zzap! Amiga Issue #13

Zzap! Amiga Issue #13 Contents Page


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At £4.99 plus postage for 60 pages of Amiga goodness it’s a no-brainer for me and a worthy addition to my retro magazine collection. Don’t forget you can get 15% off a copy of your own with code ‘LYONSDENBLOG’ at the checkout!

Head on over to Fusion Retro Books to pick up your own copy of Issue #12.

Some more Zzap! Amiga magazine previews here.

Amiga Addict Issue 25 out now

Here’s the latest issue of Amiga Addict magazine, number 25, a bonafide Christmas Special no less, sporting a super Robocod cover.


Amiga Addict 25

Issue 25 cover and coverdisk!


This months coverdisk features a playable demo of AmigaBill’s Boom! platform game, created by members of his Twitch livestreaming community. The ADF image needs to be downloaded and transferred to a real floppy if you want make a physical coverdisk using the supplied floppy disk label as I have done in the photo below.


Amiga Addict 25

This months coverdisc.


Here’s a look at the contents page giving an overview of what’s inside this months Christmassy issue.


Amiga Addict 25

Contents page


Here’s the coverdisc page providing details about what you can expect to find on this issues media.


Amiga Addict 25

What’s on this editions coverdisk?


The magazine consists of 60 A4 full colour pages and features loads of news, reviews, articles, tutorials and more. This issue costs £6.50 (plus P&P) and is available from the Amiga Addict website. Amazingly it is also available in some bricks and mortar newsagents such as WHSmith so you may be able to pick it up there if you’re lucky and save yourself the postage!



A Look Inside Amiga Addict Issue 25


I’ll leave you with a quick look at just few of the articles that can be found in issue 25.

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Andy’s Utility Cart Review

In this post I’ll be taking a look at ‘Andy’s Utility Cart’, a collection of 12 utilities (and one music demo) from SharewarePlus, all combined onto a single C64 cartridge..


Andy's Utility Cart

The Cartridge and Instruction Manual

The cartridge comes packaged in an attractive cardboard box along with an ‘instruction’ booklet. However this is just a small folded sheet containing a list of what programs are on the cart. No instructions for any of the included programs are actually provided.


Inside the Cartridge

Removing the solitary Philips screw and opening the cartridge shell reveals a smart looking white circuit board hosting a 1Mb Atmel AT27C010-70PU EPROM along with a couple of ancillary chips. The Atmel chip is a ‘one time programmable’ affair that contains all the C64 programs.


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What’s on the Cartridge?

So now that we’ve seen the hardware inside the shell it’s time to see what programs are on it. See below for a full list of what’s included.


  1. 64 DOCTOR
  2. 64 TESTER
  5. DISK TOOL b.S
  8. 1541 ALIGNMENT
  9. 15 SEC FORMAT
  11. 1541 ALPS CHECK
  12. TURBO 250 [Bonus Program]
  13. DIAGNOSTIC [Bonus Program]


All of the utilities on the cart are selectable from a handy menu screen as can be seen in the photo below. There’s no way to exit most of the programs or get back to this menu screen so you will need to power cycle your C64 to achieve this.


Andy's Utility Cart

Andy’s Utility Cart Menu Screen


Strangely for a compilation that is described as ‘twelve utilities for the Commodore 64’ there’s actually 13 in total. Not sure why there’s a discrepancy. Maybe they considered 13 to be unlucky?   Perhaps it’s because one of the programs, Thrust Concert, isn’t actually a utility at all but more of a scene demo? Alternatively it’s conceivable that they felt some of the programs were a bit samey? Who knows… but I’m certainly not going to complain about having an extra program included!


Andy's Utility Cart

Back of the box (and a list of what’s on the cart)


Here’s quick look at each of the 12 13 Utilities


64 DOCTOR (Diagnostic sequence by Computer Software Associates)


This is a comprehensive diagnostic program that can help with troubleshooting issues with your C64. It can test the keyboard, video, audio, joysticks, disk drive, datasette, RAM and even an attached printer.  You are able to launch a complete systematic scan or you can select a specific test and just run that.


Menu Screen for 64 Doctor


In the photo below I ran the keyboard test which marks each character on the screen as you press the corresponding physical key on the keyboard. Great for seeing at a glance which keys might be faulty on an old keyboard.


Running through the keyboard test


64 TESTER (Comprehensive screen, keyboard & joystick port tester by Tim Cannell)


This is another diagnostic program that focuses on testing the screen, keyboard and joystick ports. The tests are displayed on-screen immediately on launch and includes character maps, colour palette (including overscan borders), along with sprites, and the current status of both joystick port axes.


C64 Tester Screen


Additionally a counter ticks upwards at the bottom, presumably so you know the program is still running/not crashed and a rather annoying ‘Close Encounters’ style 5 note beep jingle is stuck on repeat too which had me reaching for the volume knob after about 30 seconds!


FAST LOADER (Commodore 64 fast disk loader with shortcuts by MR. BYTE)


This one is a floppy disk fast loader utility, presumably similar to Epyx Fastload and the like. Unfortunately in my testing I didn’t have much luck with it and nothing would load with it enabled.  At first I had both my 1541 drives on and I was getting an error in German saying ‘Bitte nur floppy anschalten’ which translated to ‘floppy only please’. Not very helpful but I took it to mean ‘one floppy drive only’. Thinking it didn’t like having both drives on I turned one off and tried again. This time I didn’t get that error but instead the screen would just go blank when attempting to load stuff, unsuccessfully. I tried a variety of disks and programs but nothing made any difference. Some instructions for this one might have been helpful – maybe I was missing a vital step. I also made sure my JiffyDOS ROM was disabled, but that too made no difference. Maybe it just doesn’t like my C64? The brief description did mention ‘with shortcuts’ but I have no idea what they are and whether they were optional or a necessity to get it working. In the end I had to throw in the towel and admit defeat with this one.


I may never know how speedy Mr Bytes fastloader is…



TURBO NIB COPY – (Copy Q turbo nibbler disk copier with error scanner by Cracker & CSS)


This is a very handy and easy to use ‘nibbler’ disk copy utility that can copy the contents of one disk to another using either one or two 1541 drives.


Turbo NIB Copy Initial Screen


An option screen allows you to select drive unit numbers for both the source and destination drives letting you configure disk to disk copies if you have more than one drive.


Options Menu


Obviously copying disks is quicker and more convenient using two 1541 drives but it’s still perfectly possible if you only have a single drive at your disposal.


Reading phase


In the case of single drive copying, disks are copied in sections with you swapping the source and destination disks in and out of the drive. It takes four passes (8 disk insertions in total) to completely copy a single disk although the fourth and final pass is much faster than the previous three.


Writing phase


A visual representation of the tracks and sectors being copied is displayed on screen in real-time providing reassurance that progress is being made.


DISK TOOL b.S (Disk Tool V6.5 with comprehensive floppy & disk monitors by Klaus Raczel)


This program includes a whole raft of disk related tools ranging from the mundane like formatting and verifying to advanced sector editing.


Disk Tool Title Screen


Unfortunately the menu’s are all in German which I cannot understand (it’s been nearly 40 years since I studied it at school and I was never particularly good at it anyway). Some of the German words were close enough to their English counterparts that I could understand them, but others, not so much.


Some of the German is easy to understand… some is not


Basically I struggled to use this utility. I did try the translation feature of my iPhone which did a pretty good job of translating the photos I took of the menus to be fair but it made using what is already quite a complex program a chore. One rainy day maybe I’ll go through all the menus and translate them into English…


CASS.AZIMUTH (Cassette Azimuth for aligning & adjusting your datasette by H Diebek)


This is a really useful tool when you are having issues loading software off tapes from your datasette unit. Apart from having a dirty read/write head, azimuth (head alignment) is probably the main reason for having games and programs fail to load. On Commodore’s datasette units you can adjust azimuth using a small Philips screwdriver but you need real-time feedback to let you know whether your are making things better or worse. This program provides that feedback.


Menu/Instruction Screen


I do already have software to do this that I purchased back in the 80’s from Interceptor Micro’s. It came with a little Philips screwdriver and a pointer to attach to it so you could see how much you had rotated it. However it’s one glaring flaw was that the software came on cassette. Not ideal if your read/write head is totally out of whack!


Alignment screen – clearly my drive needs some adjustment…


The program displays the data being read off a C64 tape in real time as little black dots falling down the screen. This allows you to fine-tune the azimuth on the fly by adjusting the screw until the dots appear as orderly and distinct thin vertical lines (rather than be splattered across the screen). In the photo above there is certainly room for improvement on my deck.

However it’s important to remember that azimuth can vary on a tape by tape basis as much depends on the azimuth of the machine that recorded the program onto the tape in the first place!


HEAD ALIGN (Minimal head alignment v1.1 for your datasette by Enthusi)

This is basically another Datasette azimuth alignment program only this time a more streamlined, bare bones version that doesn’t require you to press any keys to start the process. It also didn’t like having my JiffyDOS ROM enabled and refused to supply power to my cassette port until I disabled it. Not a big deal, just something to be aware of.


Head alignment screen


1541 ALIGNMENT (Commodore 1541 disk drive track & sector alignment by Antiram)


This is a comprehensive track/sector alignment tool for tuning 1541 drives. Happily my drives are in perfect shape so I didn’t mess around with this program at all but it’s a very useful tool to have in ones toolbox for when the need arises for sure!


1541 Alignment Menu Screen


15 SEC FORMAT (Fast 15 second formatter by Mike J. Henry & Alf Maier)

This literally does what it says on the tin – load it and it prompts you for a disk name and ID number. Enter these and press RETURN and away it goes!


The name’s Bond…


In fact calling it ’15 Sec Format’ actually does it an injustice as I found it was consistently formatting disks in 12 seconds. Using JiffyDOS made no difference to the speed in this case. The program ends once the format is complete but you can simply RUN it again to format another. If you have a whole bunch of disks to format then this would be a great solution.


THRUST CONCERT (Music concert featuring Rob Hubbard & Jeremy Smith by Stoat & Tim)


This isn’t a utility but still a welcome addition to the cart. I suppose it could be considered a ‘sound test’ but that’s a bit of a stretch.


Stoat and Tim Present…


This is basically a music demo and I do actually remember listening to this quite a lot back in the day. The demo features the music Rob Hubbard created for the budget Firebird game callerd ‘Thrust’ and is ‘played’ by a band of animated computer characters.


Rob Hubbard on keyboard (bottom right)


If, like me, you love Rob Hubbard’s music then this demo is an essential listen.


1541 ALPS CHECK (Alps 1541 drive alignment with LED & stepper motor tests by Commodore)


This is another terrific 1541 diagnosing program that allows you to test/adjust everything including the LED’s, head alignment, stepper motor speed and even the write protect tab. A very useful program to have, especially on cartridge in case your drive is in no state to load up your utility floppy.


1541 ALPS Check Menu



Bonus Programs


F1. TURBO 250 (Turbo cassette load & save by Mr Z)

This is a pretty simple but effective program that allows you to save (and then subsequently load) programs onto cassette tape in turbo format. It cannot load non-turbo programs from cassette at faster speeds as the speed itself isn’t altered. What this program actually does is increase the density of data saved onto a tape. With more tightly packed data, any given length of tape will contain a larger section of the saved program and thus when read at the same speed, loads more of that program into your C64’s RAM. Ultimately the result is that the program loads in a fraction of the time.


Turbo 250 Menu Screen


Of course densely packed data is more susceptible to read errors but with this cart you have the tools required to sort that problem out too!


F3. DIAGNOSTICS (Diagnostic Program 324528, by Commodore)

This is another C64 diagnostic program that tests things like RAM, Timers, Memory and Colour output.


Diagnostics Test


It runs all the tests automatically on launch and loops through them continually. A counter is updated at the end of each test cycle allowing you to keep track of how many times it has run, useful for bench testing a machine after a repair for example.


Colour Test


Final Thoughts

Andy’s Utility Cart is a really useful collection of utilities to have in your arsenal. Sure, there are a few duplicated programs but this allows you to pick the one that suits your needs best.

It’s a shame I couldn’t get the Fast Loader to work and that the Disk Tool utility is presented in German but there are loads of other programs available so it’s far from a dealbreaker. There are no instructions provided (nor links to online documentation) so you either need to know what you are doing or be prepared to do a bit of research and hunt around online for information in order to get the most out of some of the packages.

Priced at just £18 it’s easy to forgive these minor shortcomings anyway. I certainly had a lot of fun playing around with all the programs on the cart and have no doubt I will be using several of the utilities to maintain my disk drives and datasette.

The cart is available from Tim Harris over at Shareware Plus priced at £18 at time of posting.

Amiga Addict Issue 24 out now

Amiga Addict 24

Here’s the latest issue of Amiga Addict magazine, number 24. This edition is a corker and marks the 30th Anniversary of the CD32 console and as such is absolutely jam-packed with content for Commodores swansong console. If you have a soft spot for the CD32 like me then this is not an issue you should miss.


Amiga Addict 24

Issue 24 cover photo.


This months coverdisk is a special one as it’s actually a cover CD and contains a full (legal) version of Beneath a Steel Sky along with a whole host of other games and demos. Naturally you don’t get a physical copy,  just an ISO to download and burn onto your own disc. My copy in the photo below was burned onto a Lightscribe disc which allowed me to etch the Steel Sky and Amiga Addict logos directly onto the disc surface.


Amiga Addict 24 Coverdisc

Issue 24 CD32 Coverdisk.


Below you can see the menu screen for the CD32 coverdisk with Beneath a Steel Sky front and centre.


Amiga Addict 24 Coverdisc Menu Screen

Issue 24’s CD32 Coverdisk Menu screen.


Here’s a look at the contents page giving an overview of what’s inside this issue, spoiler alert – there’s a LOT of CD32 coverage this month with it being the 30th Anniversary of the console.


Amiga Addict 24

Contents Page.


Here’s the coverdisc page providing details about what you can expect to find on this issues offering.


Amiga Addict 24

What’s on this editions coverdisk?


The magazine consists of 60 A4 full colour pages and features loads of news, reviews, articles, tutorials and more. This issue costs £6.50 (plus P&P) and is available from the Amiga Addict website. Amazingly it is also available in some bricks and mortar newsagents such as WHSmith so you may be able to pick it up there if you’re lucky and save yourself the postage!



A Look Inside Issue 24


I’ll leave you with a quick look at just few of the articles that can be found in issue 24.


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