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Tag - Amiga Future

Amiga Future #168 – May/June edition out now

The latest issue of Amiga Future (Amiga Future #168) for subscribers arrived a few days ago. Excitingly the cover features a brand new Amiga computer – the AmigaOne A1222 Plus which I can’t wait to read about. No doubt it will be outlandishly expensive but one can dream!


Amiga Future #168

Front Cover.


The Coverdisk

The main event on this months cover CD is ‘Photofolio 2.6’ which appears to be some sort of Amiga ‘Lightroom’. Regardless, I’m looking forward to investigating it!


Amiga Future #168

Cover CD.


What’s in Amiga Future #168

Here’s a quick snap of the contents page to give you an idea of what is in this issue. There’s plenty of both game and software reviews this issue and some interesting hardware gets covered too.


Amiga Future #168

Contents Page


Below is a little peek at some of the stuff inside Amiga Future #168. If you’d like to purchase a copy then do please take a look here. – Incidentally I don’t get any commission or anything if you buy a copy, I’m merely trying to spread the word and ensure our little community continues to thrive. 🙂


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Never come across Amiga Future magazine before? Perhaps you’d care to take a look at some of my other Amiga Future magazine previews here.

Amiga Future #167 – March/April edition out now

The latest issue of Amiga Future (Amiga Future #167) for subscribers arrived a few days ago. This time around the front cover features the A1200 PiStorm Lite Adapter along with some nice artwork from the ‘Stuntman Seymour’ and ‘Super Delivery Boy’ games that are reviewed in this issue.


Amiga Future #167

Issue #167 Front Cover.


The Coverdisk

The main event on this months cover CD is ‘Fatman’ and ‘Wheelspin’ for the gamers and ‘Font Machine 3’ and ‘X-DVE 3.5’ for the tinkerers. Pretty decent disc this issue with something for everyone really.


Amiga Future #167

Issue #167’s cover CD.


What’s in Amiga Future #167

Here’s a photo of the contents page to give you an idea of what is in this issue. There’s plenty of both game and software reviews this issue and some interesting hardware gets covered too.


Amiga Future #167

Contents of Issue #167


Below is a little peek at some of the stuff inside Amiga Future #167. If you’d like to purchase a copy then do please take a look here. – Incidentally I don’t get any commission or anything if you buy a copy, I’m merely trying to spread the word and ensure our little community continues to thrive. 🙂


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Never come across Amiga Future magazine before? Perhaps you’d care to take a look at some of my other Amiga Future magazine previews here.

Amiga Future #166 – Jan/Feb edition out now

Amiga Future #166

The latest issue of Amiga Future (Amiga Future #166) for subscribers has arrived. It features artwork from Astro Menace on the front cover.


Amiga Future #166

Issue #166 Front Cover.


The Coverdisk

The main event on this months cover CD is ‘Tactical Manager 1 & 2’, both football management games. I’m not a fan of football at all so I was relieved to see that a copy of Xtreme Racing was also on there – it’s a pretty nifty pseudo-3D racing game that managed to slip by me completely unnoticed back in the day…


Amiga Future Cover Disk

Issue #166’s cover CD.


What’s in Amiga Future #166

Here’s a photo of the contents page to give you an idea of what is in this issue.


Contents of Issue #166


Below is a little peek at some of the stuff inside Amiga Future #166. If you’d like to purchase a copy then do please take a look here. Sadly the campaign to attract an additional 25 subscribers launched back in November failed to achieve its goal so there’s no immediate plans for extra pages in the immediate future but that could still change if enough new people subscribe this year.



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Never come across Amiga Future magazine before? Perhaps you’d care to take a look at some of my other Amiga Future magazine previews here.-*

Amiga Future #165 – Nov/Dec edition out now

The latest issue of Amiga Future (Amiga Future #165) for subscribers has arrived. It features artwork from Reshoot Proxima 3 (an awesome shoot-em-up) on the front cover.


Amiga Future #165

Amiga Future #165 Front Cover.

The Coverdisk

The main event on this months cover CD is ‘Silk Dust’, a text adventure game written by Davide Bucci. It’s the third instillment of a series of adventure games, the others being ‘Two Days to the Race’ and ‘The Queen’s Footsteps’.


Amiga Future #165

Issue #165’s cover CD.



What’s in Amiga Future #165

Here’s a photo of the contents page to give you an idea of what is in this issue.


Amiga Future #165

Contents of Issue #165



Below is a little peek at some of the stuff inside Amiga Future #165. If you’d like to purchase a copy then do please take a look here.

Amiga Future are currently trying to get some new subscribers so they can increase the page count of each edition. If they can get an extra 25 subscribers on board they can add four additional pages for readers at no extra cost. 50 more subscribers would mean an extra eight pages added. So if you’ve been buying the odd copy here and there, and can afford it, then please consider getting a subscription to help make it happen!


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Never come across Amiga Future magazine before? Perhaps you’d care to take a look at some of my other Amiga Future magazine previews here.-*

Amiga Future #145 – July/August edition out now.

Amiga Future #145

The latest issue of Amiga Future (Amiga Future #145) for subscribers has arrived. It features artwork from the game Fred’s Journey on the front cover.


Amiga Future #145

Amiga Future #145 Front Cover.


What’s in this issue?

There’s a good mix of stuff in this issue as always with plenty of reviews to get stuck into. I’m a big fan of adventure games so was delighted to see a review of ‘The Queen’s Footsteps’. This is a brand new text adventure for the Amiga that had completely slipped under my radar. There’s also a complete guide to speed-running your way through Monkey Island 2 but that seems like sacrilege to me!


Amiga Future #145

Issue #145’s cover CD.


There’s plenty of brand new game reviews in this issue. Fred’s Journey, Little Princess 1 & 2, Chips and Eye are all critiqued. Software wise there’s a review of Distant Suns 5 (which is included on the CD), Hollywood Designer 5 and RNOxfer, a new FTP client.

For the hobbyist there’s the regular AmigaOS 3.1.4 tips section, latest uploads to Aminet plus the latest Amiga news across 68K, OS4 and MorphOS systems.


Amiga Future #145

Contents of Issue #145


The Cover CD

The main event for this issue’s cover CD is a full version of Distant Suns 5. This is a Desktop Planetarium and whilst I do having a passing interest in space, this software is on a whole other level entirely. Budding Patrick Moore’s may well get a lot of mileage out of it but sadly for me it was of no interest.


This is a preview of what you can expect to find in the latest edition of the long running Amiga Future magazine, Amiga Future #145.

Full version of Distant Suns on this issue’s Cover CD.


Below is a little peek at some of the stuff inside Amiga Future #145. If you’d like to purchase a copy then do please take a look here and support what is now the last remaining commercially printed Amiga magazine!


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Never come across Amiga Future magazine before? Perhaps you’d care to take a look at some of my other Amiga Future magazine previews here.

Amiga Future #144 – May/June edition out now.

Amiga Future #144

The latest issue of Amiga Future (Amiga Future #144) for subscribers has arrived. It features artwork from the game Tiny Little Slug on the front cover.


Amiga Future #144

Amiga Future #144 Front Cover.


What’s in this issue?

There’s a good mix of stuff in this issue with plenty of reviews to get stuck into. I’m a big fan of adventure games so the three page article looking into ScummVM 2.1.1 on MorphOS instantly caught my eye. There’s also a look at the new text adventure; The Curse of Rabenstein which I quickly decided would be my next port of call.


Amiga Future #144 CD

Issue #144’s cover CD.


There’s a healthy dose of new game reviews in this issue and some retro ones too. Titles such as Rotator, Tiny Little Slug and Atomic Bomberman are all critiqued. Software wise there’s a review of AmiCygnix v1.5 and Font Tester v1.05.

For the hobbyist there’s another helping of AmigaOS 3.1.4 tips and the latest uploads to Aminet plus the latest Amiga news across 68K, OS4 and MorphOS.


Amiga Future #144 Index

Index of what’s in Issue #144


The Cover CD

Sadly the cover CD is a bit of a wash-out for me this issue. The main event is a couple of games; Cyber Force and Dan Wilder. I must admit they looked pretty promising and I was looking forward to playing them. However when I loaded them up I discovered that they are both Polish games and all the text/menus are in Polish too. I didn’t have a clue what was going on so quickly quit out of both of them which is a shame. Still, I’m sure there will be plenty of readers in Poland who will have plenty of fun with them.


Amiga Future #144

Full versions of Cyber Force and Dan Wilder on this issues CD.


Below is a little peek at some of the stuff inside Amiga Future #144. If you’d like to purchase a copy then do please take a look here and support what is now the last remaining commercially printed Amiga magazine!


Never come across Amiga Future magazine before? Perhaps you’d care to take a look at some of my other Amiga Future magazine previews here.

Amiga Future #143 – March/April edition out now.

The latest issue of Amiga Future (Amiga Future #143) for subscribers has arrived. It features a fantastic looking cover incorporating artwork from the awesome new Black Dawn Rebirth game.


Amiga Future #143

Amiga Future #143 Front Cover


What’s in this issue?

There’s a big emphasis on gaming in this issue along with coverage of several Amiga shows and gatherings. As always there’s plenty of news, letters and interviews too along with a healthy dose of adverts tempting you to reach into your wallet!


Amiga Future #143

Issue #143’s cover CD.


There’s stacks of game reviews in this issue, both classic and new. Games such as Black Strawberry Cake, Black Dawn Rebirth, Steel Empire, Civilization and more are examined. Software wise there’s a review of AFA-Viewer V1.2. This is a unique program that allows you to sift through the Amiga Future archive DVD to pull up reviews and articles.


Amiga Future #143

Index of what’s in Issue #143


The Cover CD is an absolute belter this time around. There’s full versions of Lure of the Temptress and Insanity Fight + Construction Set on there. Insanity Fight is also reviewed inside the magazine.


Amiga Future #143

The full version of Lure of the Temptress is on this issues CD!


Below is a little peek at some of the stuff inside Amiga Future #143. If you’d like to purchase a copy then do please take a look here and support what is now the last remaining commercially printed Amiga magazine!


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Never come across Amiga Future magazine before? Perhaps you’d care to take a look at some of my other Amiga Future magazine previews here.

Amiga Future #142 – January/February edition out now.

Amiga Future #142

The latest issue of Amiga Future (Amiga Future #142) arrived through the post a couple of days ago. Another great issue crammed with interesting Amiga stuff from cover to cover.


Amiga Future #142 Front Cover

Amiga Future #142 Front Cover


What’s in this issue?

If you’ve ever considered getting a modern ‘clone’ Amiga then you’re in luck. In this issue there’s a particularly useful 5-page article looking into the various FPGA Amiga clones on the market.

There’s plenty of reviews to read through too. Games such as Insanity Fight, Blastaway and Goldrush plus programs including IBrowse 2.5, DiskPrint and AddressMaster are all covered. There’s plenty of news, letters and interviews too. There’s also a healthy showing of adverts which is certainly encouraging with regards to reflecting the current state of the Amiga scene.

If you pay attention a new game for the Commodore VIC20 even gets a small write-up and a screenshot too!


Amiga Future #142 Index

Index of what’s in Issue #142


I’m happy to report a return to form for the Cover CD this time around. There’s full versions of both AddressMaster and DiskPrint on the CD, both of which used to be sold commercially for €10+ each.  These packages are reviewed in the magazine as well.

Below is a little peek at some of the stuff inside Amiga Future #142. If you’d like to purchase a copy then do please take a look here and support what is now the last remaining commercially printed Amiga magazine!

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Never come across Amiga Future magazine before? Perhaps you’d care to take a look at some of my other Amiga Future magazine previews here.



Amiga Future #141 – November/December edition out now.

Amiga Future #141

The latest issue of Amiga Future (Amiga Future #141) arrived through the post a couple of days ago. It’s another great issue packed with interesting Amiga related content, especially the in depth look at the new Vampire 4 ‘standalone’ hardware that’s featured on the cover.


Amiga Future #141

Amiga Future #141 Front Cover


Inside Amiga Future #141 there’s several game reviews but it’s the software and hardware reviews that are the stand-out content for me this time around. In addition to the Vampire V4 hardware there’s also a look at the TerribleFire 328 and 330. Software wise there’s Amiga Forever 8 and now that’s it’s finally here, IBrowse 2.5!

Remember AmigaAMP? If you were an Amiga user in the 90’s then you should do. For me it represented my first foray into the world of MP3’s. Anyway this stalwart of Amiga software has just seen an update to v3.25 and is reviewed inside the magazine.


Amiga Future #141

Amiga Future #141 Index


I have to be honest and report that I’m disappointed by the cover CD on this occasion. The featured software is basically a Backgammon game along with some card games and a few utilities. Not a big fan of either games so this definitely didn’t float my boat. Hopefully the disc will be better in the next issue… it’s an extra €2.90 per issue and sometimes I do feel it’s not worth it.

Below is a little peak at some of the stuff inside Amiga Future #141. If you’d like to purchase a copy then do please take a look here and support what is now the last remaining commercially printed Amiga magazine!


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Never come across Amiga Future magazine before? Perhaps you’d care to take a look at some of my other Amiga Future magazine previews here.



Amiga Future #140 – September/October edition out now.

Amiga Future #140

The latest issue of Amiga Future (Amiga Future #140) arrived a couple of days ago. It’s great to see it maintaining a hefty weight and plenty of content. Sadly the price has risen slightly from €6.50 to €7.00 but this is a very small increase and the first one they’ve made in many years. As I’m a subscriber I’ve not actually had to pay the increase but obviously my renewal will reflect the new price. However it’s still excellent value for money and this certainly won’t deter me from purchasing it in the future.

Inside Amiga Future #140 there’s several game reviews including SkillGrid, Labyrinth and the excellent text adventure Hibernated. There’s also a very interesting in-depth article about X-Copy. I think pretty much every Amiga owner used this software back in the day whether they care to admit it or not! Richard Lowenstein of Reshoot R fame is the focus of this issues big interview.

I was a little disappointed that there was no CD32 section this time around, hopefully it will make a return in the next issue.

This issues coverdisk is a nice return to form containing no less than 3 full games. Amongst them is a great little RPG called ‘Crystal Dragon’ that I’m looking forward to playing properly in the near future.  The other two games are Dead Metal and Craggy and Croco.


Crystal Dragon

Crystal Dragon RPG (screenshot from Amiga Forever emulation)


Below is a little peak at some of the stuff inside Amiga Future #140. If you’d like to purchase a copy then do please take a look here and support what is now the last remaining commercially printed Amiga magazine!


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Never come across Amiga Future magazine before? Perhaps you’d care to take a look at some of my other Amiga Future magazine previews here.



Amiga Future #139 – July/August edition out now.

Amiga Future #139

Another feature packed issue of Amiga Future (Amiga Future #139) arrived a couple of days ago. Weighing in at 50 pages there’s certainly plenty of content to read.

Inside Amiga Future #139 there’s several game reviews including Bridge Strike and Reshoot R. There’s also a very interesting review of a hardware project that allows hooking up an Iomega Zip drive to the parallel port of your Amiga. I know back in the day I used a Zip drive with my Amiga 4000 but that was with a SCSI interface…

This time around the CD32 section focuses on the final Beer games compilation CD whilst the magazines big interview is with Volker Wertich, the designer behind The Settlers game.

Sadly I have to say this issues coverdisk content was a little disappointing. There’s a full game on there called ‘Jonathan’ which appears to be some sort of adventure game. To say it’s a bit weird (and not in a good way) would be a massive understatement though!

Below is a little peak at some of the stuff inside Amiga Future #139. If you’d like to purchase a copy then do please take a look here and support what is now the last remaining commercially printed Amiga magazine!

Never come across Amiga Future magazine before? Perhaps you’d care to take a look at some of my other Amiga Future magazine previews here.

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Amiga Future #138 – just received my subscriber edition.

Amiga Future #138

Another cracking issue of Amiga Future (Amiga Future #138) plopped through my door yesterday. Really looking forward to putting my feet up this weekend and reading through its 50 pages of Amiga goodness.

Inside Amiga Future #138 there’s several game reviews including UWOL: Quest for Money, Celtic Heart, Distant Armies and more. A review of ‘SnapShoter’ which is a combined Clipboard manager, screen capture, video recorder and also Dropbox file synchroniser for your Amiga!  There’s also a nice little review of Iris, an email program I use myself on my MorphOS machine. Iris is included on the cover CD too which is a nice touch. Speaking of the coverdisk, it includes full games in the form of Deadline and Magic Forest 2 plus a load of other stuff for all flavours of Amiga hardware.

Here’s a little peak at some of the pages of Amiga Future #138. If you’d like to purchase a copy then do please take a look here and support what is now the last remaining commercially printed Amiga magazine!

Never come across Amiga Future magazine before? Perhaps you’d care to take a look at some of my other Amiga Future magazine previews here.

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