The latest issue of Amiga Future (Amiga Future #144) for subscribers has arrived. It features artwork from the game Tiny Little Slug on the front cover.
What’s in this issue?
There’s a good mix of stuff in this issue with plenty of reviews to get stuck into. I’m a big fan of adventure games so the three page article looking into ScummVM 2.1.1 on MorphOS instantly caught my eye. There’s also a look at the new text adventure; The Curse of Rabenstein which I quickly decided would be my next port of call.
There’s a healthy dose of new game reviews in this issue and some retro ones too. Titles such as Rotator, Tiny Little Slug and Atomic Bomberman are all critiqued. Software wise there’s a review of AmiCygnix v1.5 and Font Tester v1.05.
For the hobbyist there’s another helping of AmigaOS 3.1.4 tips and the latest uploads to Aminet plus the latest Amiga news across 68K, OS4 and MorphOS.
The Cover CD
Sadly the cover CD is a bit of a wash-out for me this issue. The main event is a couple of games; Cyber Force and Dan Wilder. I must admit they looked pretty promising and I was looking forward to playing them. However when I loaded them up I discovered that they are both Polish games and all the text/menus are in Polish too. I didn’t have a clue what was going on so quickly quit out of both of them which is a shame. Still, I’m sure there will be plenty of readers in Poland who will have plenty of fun with them.
Below is a little peek at some of the stuff inside Amiga Future #144. If you’d like to purchase a copy then do please take a look here and support what is now the last remaining commercially printed Amiga magazine!
- Latest Aminet uploads.
- A look at what’s happening in the demo scene.
- AmigaOS tips.
- MorphOS news.
- AmiCygnix review.
- Rotator review.
- Tiny Little Slug review.
- Atomic Bomberman review.
- The Curse of Rabenstein Review.
- Matchic review.
- ScummVM 2.1. article.
- Latest Amiga news.
Never come across Amiga Future magazine before? Perhaps you’d care to take a look at some of my other Amiga Future magazine previews here.