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Category - Gaming

Amiga Addict Issue 25 out now

Here’s the latest issue of Amiga Addict magazine, number 25, a bonafide Christmas Special no less, sporting a super Robocod cover.


Amiga Addict 25

Issue 25 cover and coverdisk!


This months coverdisk features a playable demo of AmigaBill’s Boom! platform game, created by members of his Twitch livestreaming community. The ADF image needs to be downloaded and transferred to a real floppy if you want make a physical coverdisk using the supplied floppy disk label as I have done in the photo below.


Amiga Addict 25

This months coverdisc.


Here’s a look at the contents page giving an overview of what’s inside this months Christmassy issue.


Amiga Addict 25

Contents page


Here’s the coverdisc page providing details about what you can expect to find on this issues media.


Amiga Addict 25

What’s on this editions coverdisk?


The magazine consists of 60 A4 full colour pages and features loads of news, reviews, articles, tutorials and more. This issue costs £6.50 (plus P&P) and is available from the Amiga Addict website. Amazingly it is also available in some bricks and mortar newsagents such as WHSmith so you may be able to pick it up there if you’re lucky and save yourself the postage!



A Look Inside Amiga Addict Issue 25


I’ll leave you with a quick look at just few of the articles that can be found in issue 25.

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Amiga Future #165 – Nov/Dec edition out now

The latest issue of Amiga Future (Amiga Future #165) for subscribers has arrived. It features artwork from Reshoot Proxima 3 (an awesome shoot-em-up) on the front cover.


Amiga Future #165

Amiga Future #165 Front Cover.

The Coverdisk

The main event on this months cover CD is ‘Silk Dust’, a text adventure game written by Davide Bucci. It’s the third instillment of a series of adventure games, the others being ‘Two Days to the Race’ and ‘The Queen’s Footsteps’.


Amiga Future #165

Issue #165’s cover CD.



What’s in Amiga Future #165

Here’s a photo of the contents page to give you an idea of what is in this issue.


Amiga Future #165

Contents of Issue #165



Below is a little peek at some of the stuff inside Amiga Future #165. If you’d like to purchase a copy then do please take a look here.

Amiga Future are currently trying to get some new subscribers so they can increase the page count of each edition. If they can get an extra 25 subscribers on board they can add four additional pages for readers at no extra cost. 50 more subscribers would mean an extra eight pages added. So if you’ve been buying the odd copy here and there, and can afford it, then please consider getting a subscription to help make it happen!


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Never come across Amiga Future magazine before? Perhaps you’d care to take a look at some of my other Amiga Future magazine previews here.-*

Andy’s Utility Cart Review

In this post I’ll be taking a look at ‘Andy’s Utility Cart’, a collection of 12 utilities (and one music demo) from SharewarePlus, all combined onto a single C64 cartridge..


Andy's Utility Cart

The Cartridge and Instruction Manual

The cartridge comes packaged in an attractive cardboard box along with an ‘instruction’ booklet. However this is just a small folded sheet containing a list of what programs are on the cart. No instructions for any of the included programs are actually provided.


Inside the Cartridge

Removing the solitary Philips screw and opening the cartridge shell reveals a smart looking white circuit board hosting a 1Mb Atmel AT27C010-70PU EPROM along with a couple of ancillary chips. The Atmel chip is a ‘one time programmable’ affair that contains all the C64 programs.


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What’s on the Cartridge?

So now that we’ve seen the hardware inside the shell it’s time to see what programs are on it. See below for a full list of what’s included.


  1. 64 DOCTOR
  2. 64 TESTER
  5. DISK TOOL b.S
  8. 1541 ALIGNMENT
  9. 15 SEC FORMAT
  11. 1541 ALPS CHECK
  12. TURBO 250 [Bonus Program]
  13. DIAGNOSTIC [Bonus Program]


All of the utilities on the cart are selectable from a handy menu screen as can be seen in the photo below. There’s no way to exit most of the programs or get back to this menu screen so you will need to power cycle your C64 to achieve this.


Andy's Utility Cart

Andy’s Utility Cart Menu Screen


Strangely for a compilation that is described as ‘twelve utilities for the Commodore 64’ there’s actually 13 in total. Not sure why there’s a discrepancy. Maybe they considered 13 to be unlucky?   Perhaps it’s because one of the programs, Thrust Concert, isn’t actually a utility at all but more of a scene demo? Alternatively it’s conceivable that they felt some of the programs were a bit samey? Who knows… but I’m certainly not going to complain about having an extra program included!


Andy's Utility Cart

Back of the box (and a list of what’s on the cart)


Here’s quick look at each of the 12 13 Utilities


64 DOCTOR (Diagnostic sequence by Computer Software Associates)


This is a comprehensive diagnostic program that can help with troubleshooting issues with your C64. It can test the keyboard, video, audio, joysticks, disk drive, datasette, RAM and even an attached printer.  You are able to launch a complete systematic scan or you can select a specific test and just run that.


Menu Screen for 64 Doctor


In the photo below I ran the keyboard test which marks each character on the screen as you press the corresponding physical key on the keyboard. Great for seeing at a glance which keys might be faulty on an old keyboard.


Running through the keyboard test


64 TESTER (Comprehensive screen, keyboard & joystick port tester by Tim Cannell)


This is another diagnostic program that focuses on testing the screen, keyboard and joystick ports. The tests are displayed on-screen immediately on launch and includes character maps, colour palette (including overscan borders), along with sprites, and the current status of both joystick port axes.


C64 Tester Screen


Additionally a counter ticks upwards at the bottom, presumably so you know the program is still running/not crashed and a rather annoying ‘Close Encounters’ style 5 note beep jingle is stuck on repeat too which had me reaching for the volume knob after about 30 seconds!


FAST LOADER (Commodore 64 fast disk loader with shortcuts by MR. BYTE)


This one is a floppy disk fast loader utility, presumably similar to Epyx Fastload and the like. Unfortunately in my testing I didn’t have much luck with it and nothing would load with it enabled.  At first I had both my 1541 drives on and I was getting an error in German saying ‘Bitte nur floppy anschalten’ which translated to ‘floppy only please’. Not very helpful but I took it to mean ‘one floppy drive only’. Thinking it didn’t like having both drives on I turned one off and tried again. This time I didn’t get that error but instead the screen would just go blank when attempting to load stuff, unsuccessfully. I tried a variety of disks and programs but nothing made any difference. Some instructions for this one might have been helpful – maybe I was missing a vital step. I also made sure my JiffyDOS ROM was disabled, but that too made no difference. Maybe it just doesn’t like my C64? The brief description did mention ‘with shortcuts’ but I have no idea what they are and whether they were optional or a necessity to get it working. In the end I had to throw in the towel and admit defeat with this one.


I may never know how speedy Mr Bytes fastloader is…



TURBO NIB COPY – (Copy Q turbo nibbler disk copier with error scanner by Cracker & CSS)


This is a very handy and easy to use ‘nibbler’ disk copy utility that can copy the contents of one disk to another using either one or two 1541 drives.


Turbo NIB Copy Initial Screen


An option screen allows you to select drive unit numbers for both the source and destination drives letting you configure disk to disk copies if you have more than one drive.


Options Menu


Obviously copying disks is quicker and more convenient using two 1541 drives but it’s still perfectly possible if you only have a single drive at your disposal.


Reading phase


In the case of single drive copying, disks are copied in sections with you swapping the source and destination disks in and out of the drive. It takes four passes (8 disk insertions in total) to completely copy a single disk although the fourth and final pass is much faster than the previous three.


Writing phase


A visual representation of the tracks and sectors being copied is displayed on screen in real-time providing reassurance that progress is being made.


DISK TOOL b.S (Disk Tool V6.5 with comprehensive floppy & disk monitors by Klaus Raczel)


This program includes a whole raft of disk related tools ranging from the mundane like formatting and verifying to advanced sector editing.


Disk Tool Title Screen


Unfortunately the menu’s are all in German which I cannot understand (it’s been nearly 40 years since I studied it at school and I was never particularly good at it anyway). Some of the German words were close enough to their English counterparts that I could understand them, but others, not so much.


Some of the German is easy to understand… some is not


Basically I struggled to use this utility. I did try the translation feature of my iPhone which did a pretty good job of translating the photos I took of the menus to be fair but it made using what is already quite a complex program a chore. One rainy day maybe I’ll go through all the menus and translate them into English…


CASS.AZIMUTH (Cassette Azimuth for aligning & adjusting your datasette by H Diebek)


This is a really useful tool when you are having issues loading software off tapes from your datasette unit. Apart from having a dirty read/write head, azimuth (head alignment) is probably the main reason for having games and programs fail to load. On Commodore’s datasette units you can adjust azimuth using a small Philips screwdriver but you need real-time feedback to let you know whether your are making things better or worse. This program provides that feedback.


Menu/Instruction Screen


I do already have software to do this that I purchased back in the 80’s from Interceptor Micro’s. It came with a little Philips screwdriver and a pointer to attach to it so you could see how much you had rotated it. However it’s one glaring flaw was that the software came on cassette. Not ideal if your read/write head is totally out of whack!


Alignment screen – clearly my drive needs some adjustment…


The program displays the data being read off a C64 tape in real time as little black dots falling down the screen. This allows you to fine-tune the azimuth on the fly by adjusting the screw until the dots appear as orderly and distinct thin vertical lines (rather than be splattered across the screen). In the photo above there is certainly room for improvement on my deck.

However it’s important to remember that azimuth can vary on a tape by tape basis as much depends on the azimuth of the machine that recorded the program onto the tape in the first place!


HEAD ALIGN (Minimal head alignment v1.1 for your datasette by Enthusi)

This is basically another Datasette azimuth alignment program only this time a more streamlined, bare bones version that doesn’t require you to press any keys to start the process. It also didn’t like having my JiffyDOS ROM enabled and refused to supply power to my cassette port until I disabled it. Not a big deal, just something to be aware of.


Head alignment screen


1541 ALIGNMENT (Commodore 1541 disk drive track & sector alignment by Antiram)


This is a comprehensive track/sector alignment tool for tuning 1541 drives. Happily my drives are in perfect shape so I didn’t mess around with this program at all but it’s a very useful tool to have in ones toolbox for when the need arises for sure!


1541 Alignment Menu Screen


15 SEC FORMAT (Fast 15 second formatter by Mike J. Henry & Alf Maier)

This literally does what it says on the tin – load it and it prompts you for a disk name and ID number. Enter these and press RETURN and away it goes!


The name’s Bond…


In fact calling it ’15 Sec Format’ actually does it an injustice as I found it was consistently formatting disks in 12 seconds. Using JiffyDOS made no difference to the speed in this case. The program ends once the format is complete but you can simply RUN it again to format another. If you have a whole bunch of disks to format then this would be a great solution.


THRUST CONCERT (Music concert featuring Rob Hubbard & Jeremy Smith by Stoat & Tim)


This isn’t a utility but still a welcome addition to the cart. I suppose it could be considered a ‘sound test’ but that’s a bit of a stretch.


Stoat and Tim Present…


This is basically a music demo and I do actually remember listening to this quite a lot back in the day. The demo features the music Rob Hubbard created for the budget Firebird game callerd ‘Thrust’ and is ‘played’ by a band of animated computer characters.


Rob Hubbard on keyboard (bottom right)


If, like me, you love Rob Hubbard’s music then this demo is an essential listen.


1541 ALPS CHECK (Alps 1541 drive alignment with LED & stepper motor tests by Commodore)


This is another terrific 1541 diagnosing program that allows you to test/adjust everything including the LED’s, head alignment, stepper motor speed and even the write protect tab. A very useful program to have, especially on cartridge in case your drive is in no state to load up your utility floppy.


1541 ALPS Check Menu



Bonus Programs


F1. TURBO 250 (Turbo cassette load & save by Mr Z)

This is a pretty simple but effective program that allows you to save (and then subsequently load) programs onto cassette tape in turbo format. It cannot load non-turbo programs from cassette at faster speeds as the speed itself isn’t altered. What this program actually does is increase the density of data saved onto a tape. With more tightly packed data, any given length of tape will contain a larger section of the saved program and thus when read at the same speed, loads more of that program into your C64’s RAM. Ultimately the result is that the program loads in a fraction of the time.


Turbo 250 Menu Screen


Of course densely packed data is more susceptible to read errors but with this cart you have the tools required to sort that problem out too!


F3. DIAGNOSTICS (Diagnostic Program 324528, by Commodore)

This is another C64 diagnostic program that tests things like RAM, Timers, Memory and Colour output.


Diagnostics Test


It runs all the tests automatically on launch and loops through them continually. A counter is updated at the end of each test cycle allowing you to keep track of how many times it has run, useful for bench testing a machine after a repair for example.


Colour Test


Final Thoughts

Andy’s Utility Cart is a really useful collection of utilities to have in your arsenal. Sure, there are a few duplicated programs but this allows you to pick the one that suits your needs best.

It’s a shame I couldn’t get the Fast Loader to work and that the Disk Tool utility is presented in German but there are loads of other programs available so it’s far from a dealbreaker. There are no instructions provided (nor links to online documentation) so you either need to know what you are doing or be prepared to do a bit of research and hunt around online for information in order to get the most out of some of the packages.

Priced at just £18 it’s easy to forgive these minor shortcomings anyway. I certainly had a lot of fun playing around with all the programs on the cart and have no doubt I will be using several of the utilities to maintain my disk drives and datasette.

The cart is available from Tim Harris over at Shareware Plus priced at £18 at time of posting.

Zzap! 64 Issue 16 out now

Zzap! 64 Issue 16

Here’s a quick look at my copy of Zzap! 64, Issue 16, that arrived in the post today.


Zzap! 64 Issue 16

Zzap! 64 Issue 16 Cover Image


The magazine is packed with content spanning 60 pages, including news, game reviews and insightful articles about the past, present and future Commodore 64 scene.


A Peek Inside

Here’s a quick look at the contents page giving an overview of what’s inside this issue.


Zzap! 64 Issue 16 Contents Page

Contents Page


Sadly the coverdisk for Zzap! 64 is digital only these days as the supply of ‘new old stock’ 5.25″ disks has run dry (nobody manufactures new ones any more). There’s still a page dedicated to letting you know what you can enjoy when you ‘insert’ the .D64 file into your 1541 Ultimate II+ though (or whatever your 1541 emulator of choice happens to be).


Zzap! 64 Issue 16 Coverdisc Page

Digital ‘covermount’ content page.



Getting hold of a copy of Zzap! 64 Issue 16

This is another great edition of Zzap! 64 and well worth a buy. The magazine is available from Fusion Retro Books priced at £4.99. Make sure you use the code ‘LYONSDENBLOG’ to grab yourself a nifty 15% off the price! This code works for everything you place in your basket too!

I’ll leave you with a small gallery of images from the magazine.


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You can find other Zzap! 64 related posts here .

Amiga Addict Issue 24 out now

Amiga Addict 24

Here’s the latest issue of Amiga Addict magazine, number 24. This edition is a corker and marks the 30th Anniversary of the CD32 console and as such is absolutely jam-packed with content for Commodores swansong console. If you have a soft spot for the CD32 like me then this is not an issue you should miss.


Amiga Addict 24

Issue 24 cover photo.


This months coverdisk is a special one as it’s actually a cover CD and contains a full (legal) version of Beneath a Steel Sky along with a whole host of other games and demos. Naturally you don’t get a physical copy,  just an ISO to download and burn onto your own disc. My copy in the photo below was burned onto a Lightscribe disc which allowed me to etch the Steel Sky and Amiga Addict logos directly onto the disc surface.


Amiga Addict 24 Coverdisc

Issue 24 CD32 Coverdisk.


Below you can see the menu screen for the CD32 coverdisk with Beneath a Steel Sky front and centre.


Amiga Addict 24 Coverdisc Menu Screen

Issue 24’s CD32 Coverdisk Menu screen.


Here’s a look at the contents page giving an overview of what’s inside this issue, spoiler alert – there’s a LOT of CD32 coverage this month with it being the 30th Anniversary of the console.


Amiga Addict 24

Contents Page.


Here’s the coverdisc page providing details about what you can expect to find on this issues offering.


Amiga Addict 24

What’s on this editions coverdisk?


The magazine consists of 60 A4 full colour pages and features loads of news, reviews, articles, tutorials and more. This issue costs £6.50 (plus P&P) and is available from the Amiga Addict website. Amazingly it is also available in some bricks and mortar newsagents such as WHSmith so you may be able to pick it up there if you’re lucky and save yourself the postage!



A Look Inside Issue 24


I’ll leave you with a quick look at just few of the articles that can be found in issue 24.


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Zzap! Amiga Issue #12 is out now

Zzap! Amiga Issue #12

Zzap! Amiga Issue #12 is now available.


Zzap! Amiga Issue #12

Zzap! Amiga Front Cover


A Look Inside


Here’s a quick peek at the contents page and a handful of the 60 pages within this edition.


Zzap! Amiga Issue #12

Zzap! Amiga Issue #12 Contents Page



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At £4.99 plus postage for 60 pages of Amiga goodness it’s a no-brainer for me and a worthy addition to my retro magazine collection. Don’t forget you can get 15% off a copy of your own with code ‘LYONSDENBLOG’ at the checkout!

Head on over to Fusion Retro Books to pick up your own copy of Issue #12.

Freeze 64 Issue #63 Fanzine

Issue 63 of Freeze 64 has just arrived.


Freeze 64 Issue #62

This edition comes with cheat cared #39 to add to your collection.


Here’s a shot of the contents page so you can get an idea of what’s in this issue.


Freeze 64 Issue #62

Freeze64 Issue 63 Contents Page.


I’ve been getting Freeze 64 for many years now and Vinny continues to make a fantastic magazine that deserves our support. If you would like find out how you can get hold of your own copy then head over to the Freeze64 website and take a look.

Finally, here’s a link to some of my previews of earlier editions of Freeze64.

Amiga Addict Issue 23 out now

Amiga Addict 23

Unbelievably I had yet another retro mag, Amiga Addict, delivered this morning. Don’t think I’ve ever had a four magazines arrive in the same week before, never mind on 4 consecutive days! Amiga Addict has been running for over 2 years now and I covered the first few issues way back in 2021. It’s now up to issue 23 and this one features Lightwave (of Baylon 5 fame) on the front cover.


Amiga Addict 23

Amiga Addict 23 Cover


This months coverdisk features the full game Hoi (AGA remix), 5K Invaders and also 6K Pacman (which isn’t mentioned) but is on the there too!


Issue 23’s coverdisk.


If you are not familiar with Amiga Addict cover disks, they only provide the labels – you have to supply the floppy disk. The self-adhesive labels are always of a super-high quality in glossy full colour with a peel-off backing. When applied to a suitable floppy (preferably a blue one) they really look the part and provide a good excuse to blow the cobwebs out of your Amiga’s floppy drive.


Amiga Addict 23

What’s on this editions coverdisk?


The magazine consists of 60 A4 full colour pages and features loads of news, reviews, articles, tutorials and more. This issue costs £6.50 (plus P&P) and is available from the Amiga Addict website. Amazingly it is also available in some bricks and mortar newsagents such as WHSmith so you may be able to pick it up there if you’re lucky and save yourself the postage!


Amiga Addict 23

Issue 23’s Contents Page


A Look Inside Issue 23


I’ll leave you with a quick look at just few of the articles that can be found in issue 23.


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Zzap! 64 Issue 15 out now

Zzap! 64 Issue 15

Wouldn’t you just know it, like buses, you wait months for the next editions of your favourite retro gaming magazines to arrive and then they all come at once! Yep today my postie delivered Zzap! 64 to join yesterdays Zzap! Amiga and Freeze 64 from the day before! This is issue 15 of Zzap! 64 and features possibly one of the most iconic and memorable bits of cover artwork the original run of the magazine ever used.


Zzap! 64 Issue 15



The magazine is packed with content spanning its 60 pages, with news and game reviews, including more than one title that gets the coveted ‘sizzler’ award!


A Peek Inside

Here’s a quick look at the contents page giving an overview of what’s inside this issue.


Zzap! 64 Issue 15

Zzap! 64 issue 15 Contents page.


Sadly the coverdisk for Zzap! 64 is digital only these days as the supply of ‘new old stock’ 5.25″ disks has run dry (nobody manufactures new ones any more) . There’s still a page dedicated to letting you know what you can enjoy when you ‘insert’ the .D64 file into your 1541 Ultimate II+ though (or whatever your 1541 emulator of choice happens to be).


Zzap! 64 Issue 15

Digital ‘covermount’ content page.



Getting hold of a copy of Zzap! 64 Issue 15

This is another great edition of Zzap! 64 and well worth a buy. The magazine is available from Fusion Retro Books priced at £4.99. Make sure you use the code ‘LYONSDENBLOG’ to grab yourself a nifty 15% off the price! This code works for everything you place in your basket too!

I’ll leave you with a small gallery of images from the magazine.


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Zzap! Amiga Issue #11 is out now

Zzap! Amiga Issue #11

My weekend reading material is looking pretty good this week, what with with Freeze 64 arriving yesterday and now Zzap! Amiga Issue #11 dropping through my letterbox too.

This magazine, published by Fusion Retro Books, has been running for a good 18 months or more now and this is the 11th issue.


Zzap! Amiga Issue #11

Zzap! Amiga Front Cover



A Look Inside


Here’s a quick peek at the contents page and a handful of the 60 pages within this edition.


Zzap! Amiga Issue #11

Zzap! Amiga Issue #11 Contents Page



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At £4.99 plus postage for 60 pages of Amiga goodness it’s a no-brainer for me and a worthy addition to my retro magazine collection. Don’t forget you can get 15% off a copy of your own with code ‘LYONSDENBLOG’ at the checkout!

Head on over to Fusion Retro Books to pick up your own copy of Issue #11.

Freeze 64 Issue #62 Fanzine is out now

It’s been a long time since I made a post about a new edition of Freeze 64 arriving. It’s certainly not because I’ve stopped reading it, but a few years ago I made the decision to make these sort of quick news type posts on Twitter instead of on here. However since cutting all ties with that platform I still want to continue to give it a bit of publicity by mentioning it on my blog.

Issue 62 literally landed on my doormat this morning so other than a cursory flick through it I’ve not had time to actually read anything yet. I can however report that it did come with another cheat card for the collection! 🙂


Freeze 64 Issue #62

This edition comes with cheat cared #38 to add to your collection.


Here’s a shot of the contents page so you can get an idea of what’s in this issue.


Freeze 64 Issue #62

Freeze64 Issue 62 Contents Page.


I’ve been getting Freeze 64 for many years now and Vinny continues to make a fantastic magazine that deserves our support. If you would like find out how you can get hold of your own copy then head over to the Freeze64 website and take a look.

Finally, here’s a link to some of my previews of earlier editions of Freeze64.

Razer Basilisk Ultimate Battery Replacement

Razer Basilisk Ultimate Mouse

When I am not tinkering around with my old Commodores my ‘daily driver’ computer is a Windows PC and lately the mouse I use with it has been driving me crazy. It’s a wireless Razer Basilisk Ultimate that I bought three years ago and it’s been terrific until recently. Over the past 6 months or so the battery life has deteriorated to the point where it barely lasts an hour before it needs charging again! I made sure the contacts were clean on both the mouse and dock and even charged it with a micro USB cable but nothing worked. Basically the rechargeable battery was completely knackered and so began my mission to replace it!


Razer Basilisk Ultimate

Positions of the 5 screws holding the case together.


The first job was to find where the screws were hiding so I could take the mouse apart. I removed all the glide feet and managed to find two of the screws. The remaining three screws were hidden underneath the serial number/barcode sticker which I also had to remove. The sticker came away quite cleanly with the use of a craft knife to lift up a corner. However the glide pads were really stuck down well so although I got them all off in one piece they were quite tatty afterwards and wouldn’t stick back down properly. They ended up in the bin! The good news if you are looking to do this yourself is that you now know that only the bottom two gliders need removing so if you are careful you might not need to replace them like I did!


The T-6 bit needed to undo the screws.


The screws were tiny little torx head ones and required the use of a T6 bit to remove them as you can see in the photos above and below.


Razer Basilisk Ultimate

Removing the screws.


With the five screws now removed the top of the mouse shell could be lifted off. There was a short ribbon cable joining the two halves but it was just long enough to not have to bother disconnecting it whilst working on the lower half.


Razer Basilisk Ultimate

View of the two halves of the case.


The battery was connected to the mouse by means of a short connector with red, yellow and black wires which unplugged easily.


Razer Basilisk Ultimate Battery

The battery is lurking under this piece of grey foam.


The battery itself was stuck to the mouse chassis but pulled away fairly easily.


Razer Basilisk Ultimate

Battery removed.


The top of the battery had a small square of foam attached. I can only assume it was there to help make sure the battery didn’t work its way loose so I opted to keep it and carefully removed it with my craft knife.


Razer Basilisk Ultimate Battery

Razer Basilisk Ultimate Battery still covered by the foam.


With the foam removed (mostly in-tact) I could finally read the label to get the exact specs of the battery.


Foam removed in one piece.


Sourcing a New Battery

The battery model number was ‘PL782144’ and the specs stated it was 3.7v, 700mAH and 2.59Wh.


Razer Basilisk Ultimate Battery

The old battery label.


These specs didn’t help too much initially as I scoured both Amazon, eBay and even AliExpress for a suitable replacement. I found many batteries with the same ratings but they were all the wrong shape or size or only had two wires instead of three. The battery was quite a snug fit inside the mouse so I needed something the same size.


Razer Basilisk Ultimate Battery Listing on eBay.


After a lot of searching around I found a battery that claimed it would fit my mouse and had the right specs, connector and size. The seller was based in China and the delivery time suggested it could take up to two months to arrive but it seemed to be my only option so I went ahead and ordered one. Here’s a link to the one I ordered: Mouse Battery. The link works right now but at some point in the future it may not so just use the details in the screengrab above to search around for an alternative.


Razer Basilisk Ultimate Gliders Listing on eBay.


As I’d also messed up the gliders I found a set of those too here. They were only a few quid including postage from China so well worth it. The picture showed them as being white but they were actually black when I got them. No big deal as I think they look better black anyway. Besides, you never get to see them when the mouse is on your desk anyway!


New Gliders and Battery in supplied packaging.


Thankfully both items arrived in a little under three weeks, much sooner than the listings had stated. I guess they quote the worst case scenario so that people don’t complain.


New Gliders and Battery unpacked.


When I placed the battery next to the original they were a pretty good match in terms of size with the new one just a millimetre or two smaller.


New Gliders and Battery in supplied packaging.

Old battery (left) and new battery (right).


Installing the New Battery

Now that I had everything I needed to fix my Razer Basilisk Ultimate mouse I set about finishing the job.


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The first thing to do was peel off the adhesive cover on the new battery ready for it to be stuck into position.


Peeling the tape off the adhesive pad.


I made sure to orient the battery with the cable nearest the socket but as it was quite a bit longer than the original I looped it around a section of the battery holder to keep it from getting into harms way when reassembling the mouse.


Razer Basilisk Ultimate Battery

New battery fitted.


Once the battery was fitted and the wire connector plugged back in I re-fitted the foam pad to the battery. It had enough residual stickiness left to just stick right back on. Not entirely sure it was necessary but it was on there before so I put it back,


Old piece of foam re-fitted.


With the battery stuck in place, reconnected and foam replaced I put the case back together and turned my attention to the bottom of the case…


Fitting the New Gliders

To fit the new gliders I used a pair of precision tweezers to remove them from the backing sheet and position them on the base of the mouse before pressing them firmly into place. It’s far easier to see where they go when your view isn’t obscured by the end of a finger!


Holding one of the gliders with a pair of tweezers.


The gliders had a thin protective film on them that needed removing after application.


Peeling off the protective film.


I also carefully replaced the barcode sticker and also the square glider around the laser in the middle. I hadn’t removed this but since all the new ones were now black and this was still white it had to go!


Razer Basilisk Ultimate

Ta-da! The finished article with all gliders and serial number sticker fitted.


Whilst I was at it I decided to give the charging contacts a quick clean too.


Razer Basilisk Ultimate

These are the charging contacts that need periodic cleaning.


A quick spin of an isopropyl alcohol soaked cotton bud was all it took to make sure they were nice and clean. I did the same thing with the prongs of the charging dock too for good measure.


Cleaning the contacts with some Isopropyl Alcohol on a cotton bud.


I then gave the whole mouse a quick wipe down to remove any dirty marks I’d made before taking the photo below and then putting it straight back into active service.


Razer Basilisk Ultimate Mouse

My Razer Basilisk Ultimate Mouse – Restored to its Former Glory!


At the time of writing it’s been three days since I fitted the new battery and my mouse is still going strong on the one and only charge I gave it that first day. The battery replacement has been a resounding success and my Razer Basilisk Ultimate is basically as good as new now. The total cost was £32 for the battery, gliders and postage whilst the repair probably took about 30 minutes. Given that the mouse cost me £150 when new I think that was money and time well spent for another three years of top class service (touch wood).