Lyonsden Blog

Tag - magazine

Zzap! Amiga Issue #14 is out now

Zzap! Amiga Issue #14

A few days ago the latest edition of Zzap! Amiga Issue #14 ‘Micro Action’ arrived on my doormat so lets take a quick peek inside.


Zzap! Amiga Issue #14

Zzap! Amiga Front Cover


A Look Inside


Here’s the contents page and a handful of the 60 pages within this edition.


Zzap! Amiga Issue #14

Zzap! Amiga Issue #14 Contents Page


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At £4.99 plus postage for 60 pages of Amiga goodness it’s a no-brainer for me and yet another worthy addition to my retro magazine collection. Don’t forget you can get 15% off a copy of your own with code ‘LYONSDENBLOG’ at the checkout!

Head on over to Fusion Retro Books to pick up your own copy of Issue #14.

Some more Zzap! Amiga magazine previews here.

Amiga Future #166 – Jan/Feb edition out now

Amiga Future #166

The latest issue of Amiga Future (Amiga Future #166) for subscribers has arrived. It features artwork from Astro Menace on the front cover.


Amiga Future #166

Issue #166 Front Cover.


The Coverdisk

The main event on this months cover CD is ‘Tactical Manager 1 & 2’, both football management games. I’m not a fan of football at all so I was relieved to see that a copy of Xtreme Racing was also on there – it’s a pretty nifty pseudo-3D racing game that managed to slip by me completely unnoticed back in the day…


Amiga Future Cover Disk

Issue #166’s cover CD.


What’s in Amiga Future #166

Here’s a photo of the contents page to give you an idea of what is in this issue.


Contents of Issue #166


Below is a little peek at some of the stuff inside Amiga Future #166. If you’d like to purchase a copy then do please take a look here. Sadly the campaign to attract an additional 25 subscribers launched back in November failed to achieve its goal so there’s no immediate plans for extra pages in the immediate future but that could still change if enough new people subscribe this year.



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Never come across Amiga Future magazine before? Perhaps you’d care to take a look at some of my other Amiga Future magazine previews here.-*

Amiga Addict Issue 26 out now

Amiga Addict 26

Here’s the latest issue of Amiga Addict magazine, issue 26, with a cover devoted to the largest Amiga software collection in the world – Aminet.


Amiga Addict 26

Issue 26 cover


Here’s a look at the contents page giving an overview of what’s inside this months issue.


Amiga Addict 26

Contents page


The magazine consists of 60 A4 full colour pages and features loads of news, reviews, articles, tutorials and more. This issue costs £6.50 (plus P&P) and is available from the Amiga Addict website. Amazingly it is also available in some bricks and mortar newsagents such as WHSmith so you may be able to pick it up there if you’re lucky and save yourself the postage!



A Look Inside Amiga Addict Issue 26


I’ll leave you with a quick look at just few of the articles that can be found in issue 26.


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Finally, here’s a link to some of my previews of earlier editions of Amiga Addict.

Freeze 64 Issue #64 Fanzine

Issue 64 of Freeze 64 arrived in the post yesterday after taking a little well deserved break. It features one of my favourite games from back in the Day – Falcon Patrol and includes a new cheat card; number 40.


Freeze 64 Issue #64

This edition comes with cheat cared #40 to add to your collection.


Speaking of cheat cards, I recently picked up an album to keep my cards safe. It’s probably meant for Pokémon cards so they don’t fit perfectly but it does the job and they stay put 🙂


Freeze 64 Issue #64

The new collectors card in my album.


Here’s a shot of the contents page so you can get an idea of what’s in this issue.


Freeze 64 Issue #64

Freeze64 Issue 64 Contents Page.


I’ve been getting Freeze 64 for many years now and Vinny continues to make a fantastic magazine that deserves our support. If you would like find out how you can get hold of your own copy then head over to the Freeze64 website and take a look.

Finally, here’s a link to some of my previews of earlier editions of Freeze64.

Zzap! 64 Issue 17 out now

Zzap! 64 Issue 17

Here’s a quick look at my copy of Zzap! 64, Issue 17, that arrived a few days ago.


Zzap! 64 Issue 17

Zzap! 64 Issue 17 Cover Image


The magazine is packed with content spanning 60 pages, including news, game reviews and insightful articles about the past, present and future Commodore 64 scene.


A Peek Inside

Here’s a quick look at the contents page giving an overview of what’s inside this issue. Spoiler alert – there’s a lot of games getting Sizzler awards in this issue!


Zzap! 64 Issue 17

Contents Page


Sadly the coverdisk for Zzap! 64 is digital only these days as the supply of ‘new old stock’ 5.25″ disks has run dry (nobody manufactures new ones any more). There’s still a page dedicated to letting you know what you can enjoy when you ‘insert’ the .D64 file into your 1541 Ultimate II+ though (or whatever your 1541 emulator of choice happens to be).


Zzap! 64 Issue 17

Digital ‘covermount’ content page.



Getting hold of a copy of Zzap! 64 Issue 17

This is another great edition of Zzap! 64 and well worth a buy. The magazine is available from Fusion Retro Books priced at £4.99. Make sure you use the code ‘LYONSDENBLOG’ to grab yourself a nifty 15% off the price! This code works for everything you place in your basket too!

I’ll leave you with a small gallery of images from the magazine.


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You can find other Zzap! 64 related posts here .

Zzap! Amiga Issue #13 is out now

Zzap! Amiga Issue #13

My copy of Zzap! Amiga Issue #13 arrived in the post this morning.


Zzap! Amiga Issue #13

Zzap! Amiga Front Cover


A Look Inside


Here’s a quick peek at the contents page and a handful of the 60 pages within this edition.


Zzap! Amiga Issue #13

Zzap! Amiga Issue #13 Contents Page


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At £4.99 plus postage for 60 pages of Amiga goodness it’s a no-brainer for me and a worthy addition to my retro magazine collection. Don’t forget you can get 15% off a copy of your own with code ‘LYONSDENBLOG’ at the checkout!

Head on over to Fusion Retro Books to pick up your own copy of Issue #12.

Some more Zzap! Amiga magazine previews here.

Amiga Addict Issue 25 out now

Here’s the latest issue of Amiga Addict magazine, number 25, a bonafide Christmas Special no less, sporting a super Robocod cover.


Amiga Addict 25

Issue 25 cover and coverdisk!


This months coverdisk features a playable demo of AmigaBill’s Boom! platform game, created by members of his Twitch livestreaming community. The ADF image needs to be downloaded and transferred to a real floppy if you want make a physical coverdisk using the supplied floppy disk label as I have done in the photo below.


Amiga Addict 25

This months coverdisc.


Here’s a look at the contents page giving an overview of what’s inside this months Christmassy issue.


Amiga Addict 25

Contents page


Here’s the coverdisc page providing details about what you can expect to find on this issues media.


Amiga Addict 25

What’s on this editions coverdisk?


The magazine consists of 60 A4 full colour pages and features loads of news, reviews, articles, tutorials and more. This issue costs £6.50 (plus P&P) and is available from the Amiga Addict website. Amazingly it is also available in some bricks and mortar newsagents such as WHSmith so you may be able to pick it up there if you’re lucky and save yourself the postage!



A Look Inside Amiga Addict Issue 25


I’ll leave you with a quick look at just few of the articles that can be found in issue 25.

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Amiga Future #165 – Nov/Dec edition out now

The latest issue of Amiga Future (Amiga Future #165) for subscribers has arrived. It features artwork from Reshoot Proxima 3 (an awesome shoot-em-up) on the front cover.


Amiga Future #165

Amiga Future #165 Front Cover.

The Coverdisk

The main event on this months cover CD is ‘Silk Dust’, a text adventure game written by Davide Bucci. It’s the third instillment of a series of adventure games, the others being ‘Two Days to the Race’ and ‘The Queen’s Footsteps’.


Amiga Future #165

Issue #165’s cover CD.



What’s in Amiga Future #165

Here’s a photo of the contents page to give you an idea of what is in this issue.


Amiga Future #165

Contents of Issue #165



Below is a little peek at some of the stuff inside Amiga Future #165. If you’d like to purchase a copy then do please take a look here.

Amiga Future are currently trying to get some new subscribers so they can increase the page count of each edition. If they can get an extra 25 subscribers on board they can add four additional pages for readers at no extra cost. 50 more subscribers would mean an extra eight pages added. So if you’ve been buying the odd copy here and there, and can afford it, then please consider getting a subscription to help make it happen!


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Never come across Amiga Future magazine before? Perhaps you’d care to take a look at some of my other Amiga Future magazine previews here.-*

Zzap! 64 Issue 16 out now

Zzap! 64 Issue 16

Here’s a quick look at my copy of Zzap! 64, Issue 16, that arrived in the post today.


Zzap! 64 Issue 16

Zzap! 64 Issue 16 Cover Image


The magazine is packed with content spanning 60 pages, including news, game reviews and insightful articles about the past, present and future Commodore 64 scene.


A Peek Inside

Here’s a quick look at the contents page giving an overview of what’s inside this issue.


Zzap! 64 Issue 16 Contents Page

Contents Page


Sadly the coverdisk for Zzap! 64 is digital only these days as the supply of ‘new old stock’ 5.25″ disks has run dry (nobody manufactures new ones any more). There’s still a page dedicated to letting you know what you can enjoy when you ‘insert’ the .D64 file into your 1541 Ultimate II+ though (or whatever your 1541 emulator of choice happens to be).


Zzap! 64 Issue 16 Coverdisc Page

Digital ‘covermount’ content page.



Getting hold of a copy of Zzap! 64 Issue 16

This is another great edition of Zzap! 64 and well worth a buy. The magazine is available from Fusion Retro Books priced at £4.99. Make sure you use the code ‘LYONSDENBLOG’ to grab yourself a nifty 15% off the price! This code works for everything you place in your basket too!

I’ll leave you with a small gallery of images from the magazine.


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You can find other Zzap! 64 related posts here .

Amiga Addict Issue 24 out now

Amiga Addict 24

Here’s the latest issue of Amiga Addict magazine, number 24. This edition is a corker and marks the 30th Anniversary of the CD32 console and as such is absolutely jam-packed with content for Commodores swansong console. If you have a soft spot for the CD32 like me then this is not an issue you should miss.


Amiga Addict 24

Issue 24 cover photo.


This months coverdisk is a special one as it’s actually a cover CD and contains a full (legal) version of Beneath a Steel Sky along with a whole host of other games and demos. Naturally you don’t get a physical copy,  just an ISO to download and burn onto your own disc. My copy in the photo below was burned onto a Lightscribe disc which allowed me to etch the Steel Sky and Amiga Addict logos directly onto the disc surface.


Amiga Addict 24 Coverdisc

Issue 24 CD32 Coverdisk.


Below you can see the menu screen for the CD32 coverdisk with Beneath a Steel Sky front and centre.


Amiga Addict 24 Coverdisc Menu Screen

Issue 24’s CD32 Coverdisk Menu screen.


Here’s a look at the contents page giving an overview of what’s inside this issue, spoiler alert – there’s a LOT of CD32 coverage this month with it being the 30th Anniversary of the console.


Amiga Addict 24

Contents Page.


Here’s the coverdisc page providing details about what you can expect to find on this issues offering.


Amiga Addict 24

What’s on this editions coverdisk?


The magazine consists of 60 A4 full colour pages and features loads of news, reviews, articles, tutorials and more. This issue costs £6.50 (plus P&P) and is available from the Amiga Addict website. Amazingly it is also available in some bricks and mortar newsagents such as WHSmith so you may be able to pick it up there if you’re lucky and save yourself the postage!



A Look Inside Issue 24


I’ll leave you with a quick look at just few of the articles that can be found in issue 24.


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Zzap! Amiga Issue #12 is out now

Zzap! Amiga Issue #12

Zzap! Amiga Issue #12 is now available.


Zzap! Amiga Issue #12

Zzap! Amiga Front Cover


A Look Inside


Here’s a quick peek at the contents page and a handful of the 60 pages within this edition.


Zzap! Amiga Issue #12

Zzap! Amiga Issue #12 Contents Page



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At £4.99 plus postage for 60 pages of Amiga goodness it’s a no-brainer for me and a worthy addition to my retro magazine collection. Don’t forget you can get 15% off a copy of your own with code ‘LYONSDENBLOG’ at the checkout!

Head on over to Fusion Retro Books to pick up your own copy of Issue #12.

Freeze 64 Issue #63 Fanzine

Issue 63 of Freeze 64 has just arrived.


Freeze 64 Issue #62

This edition comes with cheat cared #39 to add to your collection.


Here’s a shot of the contents page so you can get an idea of what’s in this issue.


Freeze 64 Issue #62

Freeze64 Issue 63 Contents Page.


I’ve been getting Freeze 64 for many years now and Vinny continues to make a fantastic magazine that deserves our support. If you would like find out how you can get hold of your own copy then head over to the Freeze64 website and take a look.

Finally, here’s a link to some of my previews of earlier editions of Freeze64.