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Tag - Amiga Future

Amiga Future #137

Amiga Future #137

Once again, just in time for some weekend reading, the latest issue #137 of Amiga Future was posted through my letterbox this morning. I was reassured to see that it’s packed to the gills with great content as usual with a particular focus on reviews this time.


Amiga Future #137

Amiga Future Front Cover


There’s several game reviews including Powerglove Reloaded, The Kiwi’s Tale, Trap runner and more. A review of SMBFS which allows the Amiga to access NAS drives using the Samba File System (might do an article about setting this up in the future). There’s a great review of Amiga Forever 8 from Cloanto, latest Amiga news, Aminet uploads and plenty more to read. The coverdisk includes a full release of NemacIV plus lots of other goodies too.

I also received a notification that my 12 month subscription was about to expire, certainly doesn’t seem like 12 months since I last renewed! Anyway, at under £63 (€69) for another 12 months (including coverdisks) it was an easy decision to renew it.

Here’s a little peak at some of the pages of Amiga Future #137. If you’d like to purchase a copy then take a look here.





Amiga Future #136

Amiga Future #136

Just in time for some winter weekend reading in front of the fire – Amiga Future #136 dropped onto my doormat this morning! Looks like it’s going to be a very interesting read as usual. Here’s a quick peak at some of the content…


Amiga Future Issue 135

Amiga Future 135

Plenty of reading material this week as in addition to K&A Plus 11, Amiga Future 135 is also out now. This edition is packed with all the latest news from the entire Amiga scene…


Amiga Future 135

Amiga Future 135 News pages


…including an in depth look at Gamescom 2018 that took place in Cologne back in August this year.


Amiga Future 135

Gamescom 2018 Feature


There are also plenty of reviews of both old and new Amiga games including the newly released ‘Extended Collector’s Edition’ of Rocket Ranger.


Amiga Future 135

Rocket Ranger Extended Collector’s Edition Review


A little late for me personally (having installed this about 6 months ago) but still of great interest, is a detailed review of MorphOS 3.11, the latest iteration of the long running replacement Amiga OS.


Amiga Future 135

MorphOS 3.11 Review


There’s plenty more to read about besides the few things I’ve highlighted already so if you are interested in finding out more about this long running Amiga magazine take a look here.

Amiga Future Issue 133 is out!

Amiga Future

Always a welcome arrival on my doormat – the latest issue of Amiga Future magazine!


Amiga Future

Amiga Future – Special Feature


As well as the regular Amiga, AROS and MorphOS news articles there’s a great preview of ‘Scourge of the Underkind’, reviews of Sweep Out, BOH Advance plus classic reviews of ‘Bombuzal’ and ‘Phobia’ which will also be of interest to C64 owners too! 😉


Amiga Future

Amiga Future – Blitz Basic Tutorial


There’s also the latest instalments of the Blitz Basic and FreePascal tutorials plus the start of a new one focusing on the Ignition spreadsheet. Sadly for me this is only for OS4 (I’m using 3.9). Of course there’s plenty more stuff to keep you entertained plus the coverdisk which I’ve not even had a chance to look at yet.

All in all another great read. If you’d like to get hold of a copy yourself, or just find out more information, head on over to their website.