I was lucky enough to bag a few new adventure games for my collection in the run up to Christmas. One them was this, the big box release of Plundered Hearts by Infocom. I paid a little more than I probably should have as it’s quite a rare game and is in beautiful condition. It’s definitely been well cared for by its previous owner. It is resplendent with all the extra ‘feelies’ and paperwork inside its pristine box too.
This adventure tells the story of a young woman who sets sail for the West Indies in search of her sick father. Along the way you will encounter pirates, puzzles, vicious crocodiles and even romance. This sounds like it could be a really good yarn and given the pirate subject matter has made its way into my play list quite near the top!
Plundered Hearts ‘Feelies’
As always with Infocom games, a huge part of their appeal for me is the extras (feelies) tucked inside the box. All of these bits and bobs came as standard with each copy of the game sold. No premium priced ‘special’ or ‘collectors’ editions here designed to fleece the customer. No siree, everyone got the same fully loaded edition. How times have changed – you’re lucky to get a sheet of paper listing the game controls these days!
Happily Plundered Hearts is no exception here with lots of extra goodies tucked inside the box insert.
There’s the instruction manual, a reference card for the C64 version of the game, the game on a 5.25″ floppy disk, a registration card and a coupon book containing offers for other games and merchandise.
Incidentally there’s some great offers inside the coupon book but sadly it looks like I missed the expiration date by a few days…

I’d definitely be taking advantage of this offer of a free Infocom T-Shirt if the coupon was still valid!
Opening up the blue velvet pouch reveals even more goodies… There’s a beautifully hand written letter from Jean Lafond helping to set the scene for the game. A 50 Guinea note from the Bank of St. Sinistra rounds off the list of feelies and looks pretty convincing although is sadly not legal tender in the UK.
All in all this is a fantastic item and a very worthy addition to my Infocom collection.
If you enjoyed looking at this page then here’s a look at some of the other Infocom games in my collection that I’ve posted about.